If there is one piece of history I believe we must all know, in our lifetimes, it’s this: The history of Modern Medicine and what shaped the medical landscape as we know it today. I want to scream this from the rooftops because when we all know this, we can take our power back, reverse (or avoid) any chronic illness, live a life free from harmful medications and rich in Vitality.
While pharmaceutical medications and surgery can be superb in emergency, when it comes to the treatment of illness and dis-ease, there are limitations. That is putting it mildly. This approach simply masks symptoms, ignores the root cause, all drugs come with side effects (with no exception), and they allow the root cause to worsen – unnoticed.
They normally make people sicker, which is why it’s not unusual to be on a cocktail of medications as you age. This might be a social norm, but is absolutely not a biological norm. Our bodies are far superior than any pharmaceutical medication and the body does not got sick because of a pharmaceutical drug deficiency.
In this interview, Dr Katarina Amadora, discusses this history of Modern Medicine. It is very worth your while to watch. It sets the scene for why we are led to believe that certain illnesses are “incurable” – when in fact, what conventionally trained doctors mean is “drugs or surgery will not cure X”. Katarina is a medical doctor turned holistic health practitioner and intimacy coach. Together, we discuss how we can heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually – and how the body can heal just about anything.
Below is an excerpt from The Vitality Code (2023) on the history of Modern Medicine.
Excerpted from The Vitality Code: CHAPTER 3
“The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off” — Gloria Steinem
Now that you have a greater understanding of the immune system and a broad understanding of the new way to reverse illness, you might wonder, “Okay, Neil, why should I trust a single word you’re saying? You’re not a qualified medical professional.”
What I’m about to share is likely going to challenge some of your deepest, most hardwired beliefs. We will cover:
- how it is widely accepted that medical professionals receive little to no nutrition training.
- an event that changed the world of medicine for over a century
- donations from “philanthropists” to reform course curriculum
- a timeline of closure of homeopathic schools and natural approaches to medicine.
- healthcare versus “sick care”
I believe knowing this is THE most important piece of history any of us can ever learn, given that our health is ultimately the most important thing in life. Without knowing this, you might continue to use a system that is not designed to help you to heal. Knowing this will mean you’ll no longer regard “alternative medicine” as alternative, but simply as medicine. You’re about to discover the truth about when medicine became medication (aka patent-based drugs) and surgery, and the difference that this history has made to our health.
Have you ever wondered why, when we go to the doctors, we have this almost engrained expectation to be prescribed a drug?
What Turned Me into a Curious Cat
As I mentioned, I suffered from debilitating eczema as a teenager. My doctor always prescribed the same treatments, which included steroid creams, toxic prescription moisturizers and antibiotics, which cause harm to the gut, and therefore the immune system, particularly when over-prescribed. Other eczema sufferers are often prescribed immunosuppressant drugs and oral steroids – and every drug, without exception, comes with side effects, and rarely, if ever, address the cause.
My treatments were short-term remedies. I will never forget when I sat opposite my doctor when I was 15 after a significant eczema flare-up. He examined me, returned to his desk, looked at his computer screen, and asked me, “Are you allergic to penicillin?”
“I don’t think so,” I replied.
As he typed up the prescription for antibiotics, he asked, “Would you like more Betnovate (a steroid cream)?”
“Yes, please,” I replied. He reminded me to use it sparingly as he glanced at me, before turning back to his screen. I was perplexed. I remember thinking to myself, “Is he just cross-referencing my eczema with drug options?” I remember experiencing this feeling of…helplessness. Not just helplessness, but almost being cheated. I had expected something more useful or at least different. I left with the usual prescription and walked to the pharmacy, thinking, “Something is not adding up here. I smell a rat.”
Little did I know that about 20 years later I’d uncover not only the underlying cause of my eczema and how to reverse it very quickly, but also the root cause of why my doctor kept on prescribing the same harmful, practically useless treatments, visit after visit, for most of my life. I later learned these treatments were only masking the symptoms.
And I eventually uncovered the truth about the training provided to conventionally trained medical professionals. I feel that my passion for wellness, vitality, and healing began in my mid-teens, during that moment of perplexity in the doctor’s office.
I later learned that fewer than 6% of medical graduates in the U.S. receive any kind of nutrition training — this is similar to the U.K. We need to revert back to prior to 1910 (see the following true history about the Flexner Report of 1910), as medicine used to be.
The History
In the 19th century, most Americans thrived on homeopathic medicine, natural medicine, available through nature at very little cost. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, there were many different approaches to medicine – homeopathic, naturopathic, chiropractic, various eclectic herbal medicines, etc. Such approaches would stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
At the turn of the century, oil mogul J.D. Rockefeller saw an opportunity to revamp the entire medical treatment available to the United States. In 1910, the Rockefeller Foundations partnered with the Carnegie Foundations and commissioned The Flexner Report[1] of 1910. It was a preordained report, which meant they knew what the outcome would be. The purpose was to eliminate all competition to patent petrochemical medical education. In layman’s terms, it meant that education supporting natural approaches to medicine that existed prior to 1910 would be eradicated and education would become biased toward patent-backed drugs (in which Rockefeller and Carnegie had a vested interest). It gave them the power to influence the course material taught to doctors.
As cited in the peer-reviewed medical literature, U.S. Library of Medicine:
“The Flexner Report was embraced as the definition of the academic model that was to characterize American medical education up to the present. Its success was importantly assured by the huge financial gifts of the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations ― this single model of medical education required large sums to support the scientific focus at its core. The powerful stimulus of philanthropy money also affected the fashion in which medical faculty would live their lives in academic medicine; this was the important introduction of the full-time system in medical schools.” (Duffy, MD, 2011)[2]
Carnegie and Rockefeller donated hundreds of millions of dollars into medical schools that were teaching drug-intensive medicine. When money was donated, the Carnegie & Rockefeller donors sat on the Boards of Directors of the teaching centers and steered the course curriculum in the direction of patent petrochemicals.
The American Medical Association (AMA) closed the larger respected homeopathic colleges as well as natural schools that were not educating medical doctors about drugs.
Schools that received financing from Carnegie & Rockefeller graduated significantly more doctors and they became “more recognized doctors.” In return for the financing, schools were required to continue teaching course material exclusively drug-oriented, with absolutely no emphasis on natural medicine.
Cited from the book, Rockefeller Medicine (1939):
“Within a year following the report’s publication, the General Education Board entered the fray in earnest. By 1920 the GEB had appropriated nearly $15 million for medical education, and by 1929 a total of more than $78 million. By 1938, contributions from all foundations to medical schools exceeded $150 million…
“The foundations’ power was in providing the outside capital for the reform of medical education and the profession itself. As the suppliers of that capital, they were able to dictate terms to the profession…. The Flexner Report united the interests of elite practitioners, scientific medical faculty, and the wealthy capitalist class. The report validated the elite professionals and enabled them to speak to philanthropists with a single voice, amplified by the Carnegie Foundation. Without the Carnegie report [Flexner report], the fears of “misdirected generosity,” voiced by the AMA Journal in 1901, might have been even more justified than they turned out to be.”
Cited from Flexner´s Unpublished Report, 1928:
“Writing in retirement, Flexner estimated that between 1917 and 1928 alone, the combination of Rockefeller grants and institutional matching funds added $600 million to the budgets of schools of medicine in the United States.”[3]
This meant the curriculum of the universities and teaching centers fell completely into the hands of the pharmaceutical drug companies. It has remained like this ever since.
Dr. Darrell Wolfe cites interesting statistics in The Truth about Cancer docu-series:
- By 1923 the 22 homeopathic medical schools that flourished in the 1900s dwindled down to just two.
- By 1925, more than 10,000 herbalists were put out of business.
- By 1940, over 1,500 chiropractors were prosecuted for practicing “quackery”.
- By 1950 all schools teaching homeopathy were closed.
By around the mid-20th century, if a doctor/physician did not graduate from a Flexner-approved medical school (teaching drug-based “medicine”) and receive an MD degree, then he or she would not be able to find employment anywhere. And this is why doctors’ training is so heavily biased toward pharmaceutical medications, and why they know very little about nutrition or any other natural medicine or healing modality. This was the creation of the medical monopoly as we know it today, and the disease and symptoms maintenance system that we regard as “healthcare.” In reality, it is a sick-care system.
The pharmaceutical industry uses a recurring revenue business model and is driven by profits. Providing you get healthy and vital, and no longer require medications, they do not make money from you, which is not good news for them. There is no money in true health. You cannot be healthy and be taking drugs. The drugs are equivalent to being on life support.
Many medical professionals are now between a rock and a hard place. Before long, this history will be in everyone’s hands, including theirs, who might have very little idea of the history on which their education is based. The origins of Western Medicine are available for us all to see. I often hear people complaining about doctors, and I’ll be open, I’m guilty of this, too, particularly when it comes down to witnessing how my father was treated. I know his stroke was avoidable, and I also know my 30 years of eczema were avoidable. I do not blame doctors. They enter the profession to help people. I don’t know of a doctor who would knowingly cause harm to anyone.
Modern medicine is a business. It clearly has its place, particularly in emergencies for which it is effective and powerful. Anesthesia for life-saving operations is unquestionably useful. That said, it is less effective in treating most illnesses and diseases, and more often than not, harmful. It is not unusual for the masses to be on a cocktail of medications for the rest of their lives — and consider it “normal.” This is not normal at all. While it might be a social norm, it is not a biological norm. The human body is a remarkably powerful self-healing machine.
The body does not get sick because of a pharmaceutical drug deficiency.
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3178858/
[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3178858/
[3] https://www.jstor.org/stable/44441287?read-now=1&seq=9#page_scan_tab_contents
The Rath Foundation
The following is excerpted from The Rath Foundation, Dr Rath was interviewed on the phenomenal Truth About Cancer series that I first watched in 2015, and it really opened my mind up to corruption in the Western medical system. It was the second ‘aha’ moment of my career in health, wellness and healing. (The first was discovering that chronic inflammation is the underlying cause of every chronic health challenge we experience, the name for which is dependent on your genetic code. When I have chronic inflammation, my body tells me by creating the symptom called Eczema. For someone else it might be asthma, for someone else diabetes, or gout, or arthritis, or….cancer etc.)
This history is also in Chapter 2 my #1 bestselling book, The Vitality Secret, which you can download for free here.
Katarina can be found here: https://amadoratransformations . com
The history Of Modern “Medicine” (Medication)
1911, May 15
The Supreme Court of the U.S. finds John Rockefeller and his Trust guilty of corruption, illegal business practices and racketeering. As a result of this decision, the entire Rockefeller Standard Oil-Trust, the world’s largest corporation of its time, was sentenced to be dismantled. But Rockefeller was already above the Supreme Court and did not care about this decision.
In order to disperse public and political pressure on him and other robber-barons, Rockefeller uses a trick called “philanthropy”, whereby the illegal gains from his robber-practices in the oil business are used to launch the Rockefeller Foundation. This tax haven was used to strategically take over the health care sector in the U.S..
The Rockefeller Foundation was the front organization for a new global business venture of Rockefeller and his accomplices. This new venture was called the pharmaceutical investment business. Donations from the Rockefeller Foundation went only to medical schools and hospitals. These institutions had become missionaries of a new breed of companies: the manufacturers of patented, synthetic drugs.
This was also the time when the first vitamins were discovered. It soon became clear however that these natural molecules had live-saving health benefits and that they were able to prevent many chronic health conditions. The first books appeared with research, subsequently abandoned, about the health benefits of vitamins. These newly discovered molecules had only one disadvantage: they were non-patentable.
Thus, in its first years of existence, the pharmaceutical investment business already faced a mortal threat: vitamins and other micronutrients promoted as public health programs would prohibit the development of any sizable investment business based on patented drugs. The elimination of this unwanted competition from natural micronutrients therefore became a question of life and death for the pharmaceutical business.
The Rockefeller Foundation uses the Spanish flu epidemic – and the media (that it already co
ntrolled by this time) – to start a witch-hunt on all forms of medicine that were not covered by its patents.Within the next 15 years, all medical schools in the U.S., most hospitals and the American Medical Association all essentially became pawns on the chessboard of Rockefeller’s strategy to subjugate the entire health care sector under the monopoly of his pharmaceutical investment business.
Disguised as a “Mother Theresa”, the Rockefeller Foundation was also used to conquer foreign countries and entire continents for the pharmaceutical investment business – just as Rockefeller himself had done a few decades previously with his petrochemical investment business.
On the other side of the Atlantic, in Germany, the first chemical / pharmaceutical cartel is founded in order to compete with Rockefeller’s quest for control of the global drug market. Lead by the German multinationals Bayer, BASF and Hoechst, the I.G. Farben cartel was founded with a total number of employees surpassing 80,000. The race for global control was on.
1929, November 29
The Rockefeller cartel (U.S.A.) and the I.G. Farben cartel (Germany) decided to divide the entire globe into interest spheres – the very same crime Rockefeller had been sentenced for 18 years earlier, when his trust had divided up the U.S. into “interest zones”.
1932 / 33
The I.G. Farben cartel, equally insatiable, decides no longer to be bound by the 1929 constraints. They support an uprising German politician, who promises I.G. Farben to militarily conquer the world for them. With millions of dollars in election campaign donations, this politician seized power in Germany, turned the German democracy into a dictatorship and kept his promise to launch his conquest war, a war that soon became known as WWII.
In each and every country Hitler’s wehrmacht invaded, the first act was to rob the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries and assign them – free of charge – to the I.G. Farben empire.
1942 – 45
In order to cement its global leadership with patented drugs, the I.G. Farben cartel tests its patented pharmaceutical substances on concentration camp inmates in Auschwitz, Dachau and many other sites. The fees for conducting these inhumane studies were transferred directly from the bank accounts of Bayer, Hoechst and BASF to the bank accounts of the SS, who operated the concentration camps.
I.G. Farben’s plan to take control of the global oil and drug markets has failed. The U.S. and the other allied forces won WWII. Nevertheless, many U.S. and allied soldiers had lost their lives during the conflict, and the allies’ reward was little compared to the rewards of others. The corporate shares of the losers, I.G. Farben, went to the Rockefeller trust (U.S.A.) and Rothschild / J.P. Morgan (U.K.).
In the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal, 24 managers from Bayer, BASF, Hoechst and other executives of the I.G. Farben cartel were tried for crimes against humanity. These crimes included: leading wars of aggression, instituting slavery and committing mass murder. In his final pleading, U.S.-Chief Prosecutor Telford Taylor summarized the crimes committed by these corporate criminals with the following words: “Without I.G. Farben, the second World War would not have been possible”.
Amazingly, the real culprits for the death of 60 Million people in World War II – the I.G. Farben executives – received the mildest verdicts. Even those executives directly responsible for the crimes in I.G. Auschwitz only received a maximum of twelve years in jail. Surprised? You shouldn’t be.
By 1944 Nelson Rockefeller had already entered the executive branch of the U.S. government. He started off as Under-Secretary of State and ended up a few years later as Special Adviser of President Truman for Special Affairs. In other words, at critical junctures of the 20th century, the Rockefeller interests took direct charge. They decided the post war shape of the world and the distribution of its wealth.
As such, under the influence of the U.S. State Department, the verdicts in Nuremberg against the I.G. Farben managers can easily be explained. In return for taking over the corporate shares of I.G. Farben, and thereby global control of the oil and drug business, Nelson Rockefeller made sure that the real culprits of World War II were not hanged. In fact, and as we shall see, they were needed.
The Federal Republic of Germany was founded. This was the first time in history that the constitution and society of an industrialized nation could be planned and modeled as a fortress of the pharmaceutical investment business – a transatlantic outpost of the Rockefeller interests.
Within only a few years, the I.G. Farben managers sentenced in Nuremberg were released from jail and put back into their previous positions as stakeholders of the Rockefeller interests. Fritz Ter Meer, for example, sentenced to twelve years in jail for his crimes in Auschwitz, was back as chairman of the board of Germany’s largest pharmaceutical multinational, Bayer, by 1963!
1945 – 49
The role of the Rockefeller brothers was not limited to their taking over the global monopolies of the oil and drug businesses. They also needed to create the political framework for these businesses to thrive. Under their influence, therefore, the United Nations was founded in 1945, in San Francisco. To seize political control of the post war world, three countries – leading drug export nations – had all the say, and 200 other nations were rendered mere spectators.
Founded as organizations to allegedly serve the wellbeing of the people of the world, the UN’s subsidiary organizations, such as the Wo
rld Health Organization (WHO) and World Trade Organization (WTO), soon turned out to be nothing more than the political arms of the global oil and drug interests.1963
On behalf of the Rockefeller interests, the government of the pharmaceutical banana republic Germany spearheaded one of the most infamous efforts ever made within the United Nations. Under the pretense of consumer protection, it launched a four-decade-long crusade to outlaw vitamin therapies and other natural, non-patentable health approaches in all member countries of the United Nations. The goal was to simply ban any and all competition for the multi-billion dollar business with patented drugs. The plan was simple: copy for the entire world what had already been accomplished in America in the 1920s – a monopoly on health care for the investment business with patented drugs.
Since the marketplace for the pharmaceutical investment business depends upon the continued existence of diseases, the drugs it developed were not intended to prevent, cure or eradicate disease. Thus, the goal of the global strategy was to monopolize health for billions of people, with pills that nearly cover symptoms but hardly ever address the root cause of disease. The deprivation of billions of people from having access to life saving information about the health benefits of natural health approaches, whilst at the same time establishing a monopoly with largely ineffective and frequently toxic patented drugs, caused disease and death in genocidal proportions.
This epidemic of unnecessary disability and death by the pharmaceutical business with disease is unparalleled in history.
Linus Pauling and other eminent scientists deserve credit for having kept open the door of knowledge about the health benefits of vitamins and other effective natural health approaches. If it were not for them we would already be living in a health prison today, guarded by the gatekeepers of the pharmaceutical business with disease in medicine, politics and the media.
Linus Pauling should also be credited for having identified the significance of Dr. Rath’s early research in vitamins and cardiovascular disease, and for having invited Dr. Rath to join him during his last years to continue his life’s work.
1990 – 92
These years will go down in history as the beginning of the end of the pharmaceutical business with disease. In a series of scientific publications, in some of which Dr. Rath invited Linus Pauling to join him as co-author, Dr. Rath identified micronutrient deficiency as the primary cause of diseases. These diseases include heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetic circulatory problems, cancer and even immune deficiency diseases, including AIDS.
Like a Sherlock Holmes of science, Dr. Rath traced the real cause of these diseases, and found that they had been deliberately nebulized or even hidden away from millions of people for one purpose only: to feed the insatiable greed of the pharmaceutical business with
Additional Resources: https://www.amazon.com/Rockefeller-Medicine-Men-Capitalism-America/dp/0520042697
I wrote about this in my own book, The Vitality Secret: https://quick.hridoynotes.combook – download for free right now.
Do you care about horses and animals? The same applies. I found the same history on a horse blog: