What I’m about to share is what summarised what I have learned about the human body over the last 7 years. When we think of the body as an electrical system, rather than an intelligent meat robot, everything changes. Dr Jerry Tennant explains what causes organs to shut down, the importance of exercise, oxygen, nutrients and the impact of emotions (which are stored in the body as electromagnetic fields) – and what really is the cause of chronic disease. He tells you exactly what cancer is, and at which voltage it is formed. His teachings remind me of what I was told by a kinesiologist a couple of years ago about why my immune system was weak. I was told my circuit breakers were blown. When you understand this, you’ll understand that you have the power to heal anything in the body. This is my summary of the incredible talk Healing Is Voltage And The Physics Of Emotions.
Chronic Disease Only Occurs When You Lose The Ability To Make New Cells That Work
Jerry Tennant: Healing is Voltage: The Physics Of Emotions
- Not speaking with MD licence – medical board doesn’t allow physicians to talk about anything other than the standard of care, which is drugs, surgery and physical therapy
- Talking with Arizona Homeopathic and Integrative Medicine Licence
- What are emotions?
- Over 50 years in medicine, people have talked in passing about the mind-body connection
- It was spoken about how emotions can make us sick
- Reality is, we all have emotional events as we go through live, positive and negative
- We now have an epidemic of soldiers returning from war and committing suicide – PTSD
- More and more people who aren’t soldiers are also experiencing PTSD
- 20 veterans a day are committing suicide – so we need to figure out way to deal with this
- Pharmaceuticals are not effective in depression / preventing suicide – he cited studies backing this up. This reminds me of an interview I watched also about energy medicine and how depression is a voltage problem that cannot be solved with chemicals – drugs. In fact, drugs rewire the chemistry of the brain. (If you are curious as to why drugs became “medicine” or rather how natural – true medicine (because it helps the body to heal) – turned into symptom-tackling pharmaceutical drugs, then the history of the medical industry may interest you. Discover why doctors are not trained in nutrition or how to heal, it’s one of the biggest aha moments of my career and why I only see doctors in emergencies – for which they are brilliantly qualified!)
- Treatment failures means you’re using the wrong paradigm
- Dr Jerry Tennant is trained in eye surgery – he used a laser to remove scars from eyes from patient with leukaemia and developed encephalitis. He was then brain damaged. Quit work in 1995 and spent all day in bed, 16 hours a day. Best doctors he could find told him he had 3 viruses in the brain. He had 3 hours a day in which he could think, and he began to think that all cells in the body and how they all work the same.
- Bought 10-15 books on cellular biology (hadn’t done so in 30 years) – each one talked how cells are designed to run at a pH between 7.35-7.45.
- pH describes voltage in a liquid.
- A solution is an electron donor (-) or electron stealer (+)
- Voltage is converted using a logarithmic scale, to be referred to in pH
- A +400mV electron is an election “stealer” (pH 0), -400mV is an electron “donor” (ph 14), and neutral is 7
- Since cells need to run between pH7.35-7.45 cells, this means they must run between -20mV and -25mV => CELLS NEED ENERGY TO WORK
- We are constantly wearing ourselves out and needing to make new cells
- Macular in the eye is 48 hours old, gut is 3 weeks old, skin is 6 weeks old, liver is 8 weeks old, nervous system is 8 months old. We are constantly generating new cells
- Chronic disease only occurs when you lose the ability to create new cells that work
- What does it take to make a new cell that works?
- -50mV of energy is required to make new cells – everything it takes to make a cell…oxygen, water, nutrients, ability to expel waste and toxins…
- Must deal with toxins / heavy metals like mercury / GMO / glyphosate / teeth infections & toxins… – [The lymphatic part of the immune system is the waste disposal part of the immune system – it only works efficiently when the body is active – NC edit]
- The body has 4 different battery packs. 1) Muscles are largest battery pack. Piezoelectricity – when you’re moving and strengthening muscles, you’re generating electrons. Exercise is the way the human body is designed to recharge your own personal battery pack. The reality is the muscles are rechargeable batteries. LARGE muscles are all hooked to cell membranes, which are little capacitors. They’re small batteries. They’re made up of fats.
- When the battery system is charged up, it’s called ATP, and when it’ not, it’s ADP. Battery charger inside the cell is called the Kreb cycle. It runs on fatty acids. Fatty acids through the cycle it creates electrons. When oxygen is present, you can enough electrons to charge 38 ATP batteries. In addition there is the DNA. Inside the cell. From above, the DNA looks very interesting – every circle uses the golden ratio. 1.618 x height. This calls for the implosion of scaler energy. Our DNA uses scaler energy to charge it up!
- Our muscles are rechargeable and our muscles are stacked very carefully
- Surrounding our muscles, we have fascia – like a stocking.
- Fascia is a semiconductor – a collection of molecules, in which electrons move through it at the speed of light in one direction – the fascia serves as a wiring system for the body. Every organ in the body has its own battery pack. Because they all have their own battery pack, we can measure each organ and see why it may not be functioning
- A stack of muscles batteries is an acupuncture meridian
- Spleen meridian starts in big toe…
- Macular denigration means low voltage in stomach circuit
- 6 loops of muscle batteries that provide 25mV you need to organs to work and 50mV to repair them.
- Chronic disease happens when one of the battery packs doesn’t hold its charge
- Why won’t some hold their charge?
- Thyroid hormone T3 control the voltage of every cell membrane in the body. T2 controls the voltage in mitochondria (battery pack)
- If you were to put a scar across a a battery pack, it can short circuit
- EMOTIONS are stored in the body as a magnetic field. if you have a magnetic field standing in a battery pack, it’ll steal the voltage so it can’t get through
- DENTAL infections – each circuit goes through teeth.
- The human body is quite literally a giant wiring system
- Chronic disease means failure of an electrical system. What is the battery pack to the illness? Heart disease? Heart battery pack. Spleen – stomach supplies power to entire endocrine system, reproductive system in both M&F, macular in eye and thinking part of the brain. When this goes out, failure of organ systems takes place
- How do we know if the voltage is low?
- 1) Figure out why battery won’t hold a charge, and 2) recharge the battery pack whilst figuring out why it happened in the first place
- Bio Transducer: First aim the organ and charge the cells, and then charge the battery pack behind it
- Red and black dots tell you where to put the polarity. Terminals in polarity.
- Recharge organ and battery pack – whilst figuring out why the battery pack won’t retain its charge
- Interesting thing: Body is wired up like a circuit board. Tesla – capacitor and coil wired in parallel – ability to communicate with other systems that are in common with tesla resonating circuits
- In the body lung is wired to large intestine. heart to small intestine, spleen and pancreas to the stomach, kidneys to the bladder, liver to the gall bladder – each creating Tesla resonating circuits and can communicate with each other. We’re wired up with Tesla resonating circuits
- Every circuit is wired through TEETH. They are CIRCUIT BREAKERS – one infection from a tooth, in an upper molar, it will affect spleen stomach circuit – and endocrine and reproductive system – thinking part of your brain and macular of the eye. Most people with macular degeneration have an infection on those teeth.
- Why teeth? They work similar to lymph node in lymphatic system.
EMOTIONS are trapped as magnetic fields and can get trapped in teeth. Majority of chronic illnesses start with an emotional event – magnetic field that blocks a circuit, lowers the voltage in the tooth. Dr Steinman said that every tooth has a pump that pumps fluid from inside the tooth to inside the mouth. It’s not sugar, it’s failure of the pump. When the pump fails, infection comes from mouth into the tooth and causes decay.
- Emotion lowers voltage in the tooth, cavity, crown, root canal etc. Malignancy
Most chronic disease occurs as emotions, some times it’s other causes – like radiation that will make you sick
- Most chronic disease can be traced back to an emotion that has blocked a certain battery pack – by blocking the tooth that is involved with it
- As voltage drops, things get worse.
All cancers occur at plus 30mV
- When you go past zero you flip the polarity – when battery is drained to zero, polarity is flipped upside down
- When polarity inverses, you get to 30mV when all cancers occur
The amount of oxygen that dissolves in water is dictated by the voltage of the water – so as water inside our cells has lower voltage, the oxygen comes out of the cells and disappears. When you finally flip the polarity, there is no oxygen capability in the cell – stem cells recognise that signal (“we’re out of oxygen, please help”) – stem cells raid the local blood supply and create a mass of blood vessels that we call a cancer – indistinguishable from a placenta in a pregnant female. All solid tumours are placentas – the body’s way of responding to lack of voltage and oxygen.
- THUMB example: It runs at -25mV in perfect order. Hit it with a hammer. It immediately goes to -50mV to repair – causes arterials to dilate – we need the raw materials to rebuild the cells. When capillaries dilate, we have signs of INFLAMMATION – redness, swelling, heat, pulsing pain. Thumb gets busy, makes new cells, replaces those damaged by hammer, goes back to -25mV. HAPPY CAMPER.
- If the power supply going to the thumb is inadequate, to provide -50mV needed to make new cells, then thumb won’t heal and you’re stuck in chronic disease. All the pills in the world will not help. Until you find a way to get insert enough electrons to get it up to -50mV it’ll not heal.
- As voltage drops, oxygen drops, several bad things happen…
- Chronic disease happens when…
- As oxygen drops you have less ATP – voltage inside the cell to do its business
- Krebs cycle to recharge 38 ATP batteries for every unit of fatty acid through the Kreb cycle – True when oxygen IS available
- If oxygen not available, every unit of fatty acid through the battery charger, you only have enough electrons to charge up 2 batteries.
- It’s like having a car that becomes less efficient – cells become less efficient
- In addition: Bugs – body contains trillions of bugs. Most are suppressed by oxygen.
- As oxygen drops, because voltage drops, bugs wake up, they are less suppressed – they’re hungry and need feeding. Tonsils example – sore throat, fever etc…bugs are having their way putting our digestive enzymes to get nutrients our of their cells
- As voltage and oxygen drops more and more, these microorganisms lose their cell membranes. Become Cell wall deficient organisms. Stealth pathogens. You can’t culture them. You ant’ see them with standard microscope.
- Bugs put out various toxins that damage local tissue. Auto immune is bugs destroying local tissue – signs of inflammation and swelling.
- Everyone has Lyme disease – it’s just weather the immune system has what’s needed to deal with it
- As voltage goes to plus 30mV fungus shows up – Leukaemia example – fungus is always associated with these kinds of things
- Teeth – terribly important in getting people well. Car battery that has corrosion / like teeth with erosion – corrodes through battery cable / like it does in body when tooth infection goes to the bone
- Tooth is attached to a muscle battery
- As corrosion increases it gets harder and harder for the charge to build up and stay
- Root canal – dead tissue left in body, nerves ripped out and filled with putty. Dead tissue gets infected
- One root cancel shuts down 63% of the immune system
- It then gets into the Bone – and circuit and then voltage drops, shuts down the circuit
- 95% of cancers in their clinic were infected by a root canal or when a bone was pulled
- Leading contribute to cancer is having an infection in the bone around the teeth
- When teeth are pulled, ligaments are left behind – hard for tooth /bone to heal. Ligament is in the way. If the dentist takes time to scrape out the ligament, infection in bone happens in first few days of healing as the mouth is so dirty.
- Infection in bone takes out the next circuit
- Kids in high school – Wisdom teeth pulled – unnecessary
- 65% of root canal extractions are unnecessary. Often infection happens in that area. Wisdom teeth circuit is heart small intestine – Autonomic nervous system – body’s on/off switches. Within days of wisdom teeth extraction, kids lose their on/off switch. This is when the body doesn’t know how to control itself. Over time it moves next door and takes out the spleen stomach circuit – power supply to adrenal glands. They then can’t deal with stress. “He’s a teenager” Actually, it’s the way the whole body deals with stress. Then kids hide themselves in electronics. They can’t deal with the real world anymore. This is a big problem.
- When you lose your ability to make adrenalin, you can’t sleep, deal with stress, memory, you lose you ability to multitask / mental horse power / memory / ability to focus and concentrate – you avoid stimulus / noisy crowds / sexual equipment stops working, all down to spleen power supply to the adrenals.
- if you can’t deal with the life in the world, you can’t be a good spouse, sexual equipment goes downhill / can’t have sex / be a good lover / can’t be a good worker – life goes into the toilet – simply because you’ve lost the spleen circuit that goes to the adrenal glands.
- Emotions are magnetic fields – refer to Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Dr Basis, MND published
- Emotions can be erased with a stronger magnetic field – The E-Motion code
- When you have stuck emotions, they can be erased – refer to screenshot
- Emotion code / EFT
- Tuning Fork – Biofield – very effective
- Treat wisdom teeth, you can create autonomic nervous system, you can change the polarity in all of your circuits
- Hold Pendulum over heart small intestine – when it’s moved it resonates with string
- Bio transducer – put over wisdom teeth, watch pendulum. counter clockwise if voltage is low, do same thing on every circuit.
- You can correct polarity in many circuits – emotions in biofield can then go.
- We are wired up with polarity / bodies are golden meme, implosion occurs with DNA
- Demonstrations – look at site
- Your body is an electrical system / device run multiple battery packs. Chronic disease occurs when battery packs don’t hold a charge. Getting well / healing involves you working out different battery packs are failing you. Then figure out which circuit breakers are out; fix it, and allow the boys to heal itself with sufficient voltage, nutrients and can deal with toxins