Day 2, Round 2, of Joe Doe Dispenza Advanced Retreat, Cancun

Day 2. Round 2. Dr Joe Dispenza, Advanced Retreat, Cancun, December 2022

As the dates approach for the next Cancun event, I wanted to share my notes from December. (You might have seen Days 1-6 from my previous experience a year ago, featured on this blog). 

It is often said that some form of crisis causes us to go within, and to do “the work.”  This “work” meaning, immersing in the world of energy, I consider a ‘reward’ for going down the holistic healing path. The awareness of what we can do with energy, with our bodies and beyond, is often not in our consciousness, until we address The Physical, Mental, Emotional “Pillars of Vitality” – and finally the “Energetic” Pillar, in order to reverse illness. (If indeed, that is your crisis – it could be something else – like familial challenges, financial challenges, relationship challenges. 

As we go on our own Vitality Journey, our awareness changes. Consciousness changes. And we discover a world that never existed before. Doors open up that were not open before. They weren’t even in our awareness. 

From time to time I slip right back into victim-level thinking, but these tools enable me to leave that level of thinking quicker than ever before. Dr Joe refers to this as “the refractory period” – how long we linger in that emotion. And I’m talking to myself, right now, as I face an emotional challenge. 

My notes from Day 2.

  • Research has shown that 50% of stories we tell ourselves are false. We embellish them to support our emotions (crazy huh?! I remind myself of this if I ever spiral, we make up stories in our minds, this means X, that means Y, they did this, which meant that. They did this to me, which meant I felt this way… and often these meanings are derived from stories we tell ourselves.)
  • We become addicted to the hormones of stress (read that again – ever wonder why people are addicted to watching the news or low vibe TV? They ignite stress hormones – and if we are not stressed, we will find a way to be stressed.)
  • We share stories to others to enhance our own emotional response – to affirm it 
  • Or….  Chemicals of LOVE induce creativity. Research has shown you cannot hold a grudge in this state
  • To truly change means to become greater than your environment, greater than your body, greater than your memories
  • First three energy centres are those of survival (root, sacral, solar plexus – since doing Pranic Healing, I have literally felt the energy of these energy centres, and cleaned them out, and replenished them – quite extraordinary. In a later post, you’ll see how disease manifests first in the energy field, before the body.)
  • One can watch a Netflix show (external environment) and not from within, open up the 4th energy centre. (Heart, Love)
  • When one is in gamma (in meditation) they become relaxed in the heart, awake in the brain. It’s a feeling from within that we do not want to end. 
  • When you catch the thought that keeps you in survival (pain, fear etc), you can change your thought pattern
    • The body is craving a similar vibrational thought to that in survival  
    • Meditation allows you to catch that thought, to train the body to a new mind, “train the stallion”
    • (Oddly), most would rather cling to suffering than step into the unknown. It´s ADDICTIVE
  • Signals of Stress – Organic Fear Proteins. 
    • You can consume the healthiest diet known to man, gluten-free, dairy-free, drink organic veggie juices, organic everything, but in survival, you’re essentially creating “organic fear proteins!” Meaning, it doesn’t matter how organic your diet it, if you are living by the hormones of stress, they will counter-act the positive effects of the diet. (Diet is much further down the “food chain” of healing)
  • The environment signals the genes (epigenetics)
    • Genes signal proteins
      • Think cancer, congestive heart failure, brain tumours..
    • They (Scientists) told me…”while in meditation, they generated fully coherent signals to energy centres and organs”
    • NC Note. Do BOTEC more (Blessing Of The Energy Centres.) 
    • Woman at Brighton Advanced retreat (UK, my university town, FYI!)
      • Woman allergic to everything, “universal reactor”, was wearing a mask every day, upstairs, out of the way of everyone to keep a distance. By the end of the week (after meditating every day, sometimes 5-6 hours), her mask was off, she was sat up front, among everyone, in love with life, and the experience. 
  • When you are not present, you are missing out on new information (!!)
    • Energy drops, as does energy in the room – measured
    • Collective consciousness – he gave the starling example (I provided this in my upcoming book, too) – Starlings (birds) fly in unison
    • Ice Bath Example – two people can enter an ice bath. One has an immune boost, the other goes into hypothermia – (it’s a mind game.)
    • He gave an example of someone with ALS improving beyond imagination 
  • If senses are heightened because of hormones of stress, we give more attention to our environment (not within)
  • Rules of 3D world takeover (as opposed to 5D, connecting to energy, to Divine)
  • When someone purchases a product, the end result is the experience of emotions – how someone feels when they purchase / during purchase (hence, buy with emotion, justify with logic, a marketing 101 principle)
  • Newtonian world – prediction through action – as I move through space, I pass time – 3D
    • Where do we place our dreams? Future (3D) – it takes time and energy
    • Reverting to old program, to speak to others to confirm our victimisation (to receive a reward), and we call this “normal.”
  • QUANTUM FIELD (QF): You believe intellectually that it’s there, BUT, until you feel / experience it—— it’s just head talk. Dinner party conversation. 
  • The ACT of focusing on NOTHING recalibrates the brain
  • The QF exists: Become aware of it. Don’t be distracted by our bodies. Atom is 99.9999999 empty space / energy. NOTHING.
    • The Void is rich with energy and frequency 
  • Quantum Physicist will tell you the void is PURE CONSCIOUSNESS.
    • With LIMITLESS potential. 
  • Everything in quantum creates a frequency. 
  • We have from from PURE LOVE /Wholeness /Oneness. 
    • BUT, oneness became separateness – and the belief that we are separate
  • Frequency slowed down to ILLUSION of separateness. (NC: I once heard the illusion of us being separated is the ultimate reason for our suffering. Brent Phillips I believe was his name – always love to give credit where it is due.)
  • Frozen in time. We ask: Is there anything else but this (in VR headset, illusion of separateness.)
  • To CREATE from the FIELD, we first must get into the field, and not be in the body. Separate from ALL IDENTITY. No one, nowhere, no thing, in no place, in no time.) 


  • A woman came to the advanced retreat to help with her new diagnosis of being mostly blinded. (In order to cope with it, with no other expectations.)
  • She was wearing an HRV monitor for 2 hours
  • Her doctor had recommended she attend the retreat. 
  • Dr Joe loves results to be evidence-based – She had her eye scans beforehand, and then again afterwards – and showed us. 
  • She developed full sight again. 
  • HOW COOL…??? My buddy Terry Tilman (featured on my podcast) did the same thing, and he wasn’t aware of Dr Joe when he did it. These are ancient principles. Ageless wisdom – that Dr Joe teaches superbly.)


  • Participant: “I have never felt so much love”
  • Dr Joe: “Can you please tell them how you were beforehand”
  • Participant: “Oh yes, I came in a wheelchair”. 

Gold. (*Whole room cracks up in laughter.)

Pure consciousness is unifying all that is Physical. It appears separate that pick up through our senses. 

  • Enter field as not your body. Be aware of the void. You are the void. YOU ARE PURE CONSCIOUSNESS.

I feel like there, is a great place to end… there are more from this day, that I’ll post on my website. 

Are YOU ready to step into this world? Do you have a chronic illness you’d like to reverse? Are you ready to do “the work” and go on a Vitality Journey. This is how I can help you. IF this world of energy is new to you, then be very excited! Go to,



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