Adopting The Mental Shift For Your Healing & Vitality

One of the things that I find painful to witness, is when people believe they have an “incurable” illness or “genetic disease” or have been told to “watch and wait” when they have received a new diagnosis – and look no further than Western Medicine. These terms are not useful and are disempowering. If you know anything about the nocebo effect, this reason alone is enough to question these terms.

I wholly believe, (and know), that the human body is far better than that. For 10 years I have researched, interviewed and supported people with so-called “incurable” illnesses. It became a weird fascination of mine.

This next piece is excerpted from the final chapters of The Vitality Code. It makes more sense once you’ve read the preceding chapters. I just felt called to share this section this week.

 “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true, the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” — Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), iconic Danish philosopher

The weirdest part of my job is when I take over the role of Yoda in Star Wars and help my clients to unlearn what they have learned. A lot of what we have been told our whole lives by mainstream sources has become an embedded belief system, and it’s very challenging for some to change these beliefs. Yet in changing many of these beliefs comes true freedom and self-empowerment when we free ourselves from the chains of the past and the shackles of a society with limited thinking. It opens the door to our gifts, to superhuman powers, and an extraordinary way to live.

I once heard that most people would rather die than change their beliefs. The closest official quote I could find that matched this is —

“We would rather be ruined than changed. We would rather die in our dread than climb the cross of the moment and let our illusions die.” — W.H. Auden

Another one is,

“Most people would rather die than think — and many of them do!” — Bertrand Russell, major British philosopher/intellectual

Here we shall discuss:

  • False beliefs we have that are based on a false mainstream narrative

  • There is no such thing as “alternative health.”

  • Exploring beyond the constraints of conventional thinking

  • Attracting what you desire by changing your energy

At a basic level, imagine finding out that certain foods you’ve been eating all this time are inflammatory, and you’ve always believed they were healthy. When convention says they’re healthy, it doesn’t mean they’re actually healthy, and I would argue that that is true for the vast majority of advice and education that comes from the media about health. That is, at least, what I have found in the last ten years of working in holistic health. This is a key reason I withdrew from mainstream news media.

Some people go through their whole lives with something like asthma, believing it is a “disease” or “incurable.” Some are lucky enough to come to the realization — with a little research outside of the mainstream “science” — that you can fully reverse it.

You might have been led to believe that “alternative health” is inferior to Western medicine. I hope you have seen that that is a misnomer for the vast majority of “illnesses” and “diseases.” In truth, there is no such thing as alternative health. There is health, or there are drugs. There is health or medication, and an exorbitant amount of money influences their distribution and disinformation campaigns, lobbying, and advertising. In America (quite unbelievably: “ask your doctor for this drug.”

Hear that on repeat and it becomes a program in the subconscious mind.

William Osler, The Person Who Takes Medicine Must Recover Twice 

William Osler, The Person Who Takes Medicine Must Recover Twice

When one is chronically taking pharmaceutical drugs, by definition this means they are not healthy, because they’re on a form of life support. That is an alternative to health. (By the way, the term “alternative health” was a term initiated with the Rockefeller takeover of Medicine in 1910 to belittle any natural approach to medicine that wasn’t drugs and surgery – of which there was a wide variety of approaches before 1910.)

Sadly, most people believe the drugs that they take help because symptoms ease, but in truth, it’s likely their health is getting worse. It’s not unusual to be prescribed another drug several years down the line to counteract the side effects of the first drug (side effects happen because the drug is causing harm in the process) — and also because the underlying cause of the first symptom has worsened, unnoticed.

True medicine helps you to heal from the inside out. Nature’s medicine helps you not to take drugs. Nature makes no mistakes. From what I’ve seen, we cannot supersede the Nature Codes (or alter them). If we interfere with Nature we can expect consequences.


The Doctor of the future will give no medicATION

Nite: Above, by “medicine”, Edison refers to medication.

Can you now see that the mechanics of a holistic approach are not difficult? Can you see how an anti-inflammatory life can open new doors to self-empowerment, self-healing, and, ultimately, freedom? I hope you are seeing beyond the limits of conventional wisdom.

This might mean changing some of your beliefs on a deep level. For some, this is like admitting to themselves that they’ve been misled for quite some time.

Why am I writing this now? To be in the right mental state for healing and unleashing your Life Force, I believe it’s key to understand where we have been misled and why we have been misled; otherwise, we continue to use a system we believe is working for us, when it clearly is not.

Maybe you are questioning some of what you’ve read here so far, but inside you, somewhere, you can feel resonance with what I’m saying. Is there a curiosity and openness in you that is eager to be explored? Have you ever considered that you are more powerful than you have otherwise believed? Have there been times in your life where you questioned reality, and thought, there must be more to life than this?

I invite you to open yourself up to the possibility that you are a limitless being and that your body can heal anything. I invite you to explore beyond the constraints of conventional thinking, and consider what people are doing all over the world in terms of reversing incurable illnesses and with spontaneous remissions.

That’s just on a physical level that people are changing their lives externally, by understanding we are nothing but energy, and that everything in the universe is energy, frequency, and vibration. If you’re ready, I have a 3-step strategy to help you elevate to the next level:

1.     Stop or limit your exposure to mainstream news (for anything related to health)

2.     Stop or limit mainstream TV and exposure to mainstream advertising.

3.     Subscribe to people and platforms (often censored) that provide empowering viewpoints.

You’ll likely start to come across information that is so extraordinarily cool and empowering that you’ll wonder why you have spent all this time watching the drivel! You’ll start to experience life in a whole new way. How can I be so confident in saying this? It happened with me, and I would say everyone else I know in Holistic Health. You’ll meet people on the same journey. You’ll start to notice amazing synchronicities (“happy accidents”) and beyond, the more you tune into them, acknowledge them, and trust in a universal force.

You might find you are guided more by your heart and intuition than your brain, and relax into life, and surrender to what is. What slowly opens for you will open your eyes and your heart in ways you might never have imagined possible. You might start to understand how you can attract what you desire by changing your energy and mastering your emotions and your thoughts.

When you unlearn what you have learned, expect many doors to open up for you in a really exciting and positive way. In the next three sections, I’ll elaborate on releasing yourself from the shackles of the past.


If this resonates, I invite you to pick up a copy of The Vitality Code here:

If you are interested in private consulting please go here, and stay tuned for my upcoming community.



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