How To use Bioresonance To Address The Cause And To Heal

Welcome to this replay of a presentation on bioresonance I held on 31 July. 

If you are are you new my site (or to me) the approach of my work (including both recent books, The Vitality Code, and The Vitality Secret) is to find and address the underlying cause of illness, so the illness (aka chronic symptoms) naturally disappears.  This is a significant shift from Western Medicine that simply treats symptoms. Most are aware of this. What many don’t consider, is that if we ignore the cause, it worsens, unnoticed. 

The conventional approach is superb in emergencies, and gets us out of trouble, can alleviate pain, and when it comes to addressing illness and disease, there are superior approaches (in my opinion) to medicine that address the cause. My favourite is Energy Medicine. 

My Backstory (Please “fast forward” if this is old news)

I had bad eczema for 30 years. I was prescribed harmful symptom-masking treatments that caused harm to my skin, and my gut, and failed entirely to address the cause. They included steroid creams (leaving pigmentation on my skin), prescription moisturisers (containing harmful ingredients), and antibiotics for severe flare-up. I accidentally discovered its underlying cause when my father suffered an easily avoidable stroke in his early 60s. Following my intuition, I researched what led to it, chronic inflammation, and soon discovered the same condition was behind the eczema. I switched to a strict anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle and quickly the symptom of inflammation called eczema, disappeared. I then realised that similar approaches could be used across the board for a myriad of conditions.

What is inflammation? Simply: Your immune system responding to a physical threat on the body or a perceived threat in the case of chronic stress, and also deficiency of essential cell fuels – such as oxygen, water, and nutrients. Stay with me! Bioresonance helps with ALL of this. 

What is a perceived threat I hear you ask? A toxin, anything that is in the body that is “foreign” or “alien” or anything similar that the body is exposed to – such as environmental toxins, including chemicals, mould, air pollution, EMFs – and more.

Why say all of that? It sets the scene for why I love bioresonance which I first came across in LA in 2016 at a Health Expo (see video below). It read all of my vitals and was remarkably accurate. A few years later, I took my father who had recently had a stroke to a bioresonance specialist on Harley Street, London, and the most alarming intruder was mercury in his teeth. A neurotoxin. (Please note, if you ever have mercury out, please please please do not use your standard dentist. Always use a biological or holistic dentist who is fully equipped to remove mercury and will guide you through methylation and prepare your gut for any mercury spillage. I have someone on my podcast who got mercury poisoning from having mercury removed by a standard dentist. It was severe, and she was rescued by a functional medicine doctor who quickly determine high levels of mercury in her blood.) 

The Application of Bioresonance

Why is this useful to know when it comes to bioresonance ? Because one of the main features in bioresonance is to determine “stressors” on the body.

What are stressors? Toxins, or “alien intruders” (that which is not in alignment with Nature) and it can also help you to determine where you might be deficient in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), food sensitivities and intolerances, heavy metals, parasites, bugs, viruses, and a whole lot more. Some will detect areas of the body of low voltage – and you might have learned from The Vitality Code, that a characteristic of all chronic illness is low voltage in an organ. In Laymen’s terms: not enough power reaching that organ.

What does bioresonance do? Consider the human body as a giant frequency machine. It’s a cluster of frequencies – every organ, muscle, tissue, bone has a frequency. Every toxin, parasite, intruder, bug, virus has a frequency. It uses tens of thousands, often over a hundreds thousands frequencies to deteremine imbalances. Isn’t that remarkable? Before bioresonance, we’d have to do a lot of blood tests (which are still useful) to determine what toxins are in the body – such as heavy metals. 

Bioresonance helps to take the guesswork away – to find the underlying cause(s) of chronic inflammation – and thus, allow the body to heal itself of a myriad of health challenges. 

That is why I love it so much. it puts us back into the driving seat!

A few quotes on Energy medicine:

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla


A summary of what Bioresonance will typically do, this one is AO Scan:

Identify specific frequencies in the human body having compiled a database of more than 120,000 different frequencies. These frequencies are the same in every person. Every cell and organ in the body have their own distinctive Vibrational Frequency or Oscillation. When these oscillations are disrupted, whether by injury, diet, stress or emotion, it results in a disruption of that biological function. Which when not addressed, can bring about fatigue, depression, illness, disease and even death. Over the past 20 years, more than 120,000 of these Vibrational Frequencies have been isolated, identified and cataloged. Knowing what the optimum oscillation or frequencies of these cells and organs are, can assist in determining the root cause of an individual’s health status when these frequencies are compared to the individual scanned results.


OPTION 1: Private Coaching Including Bioresonance

Need a helping hand with your holistic healing journey, that I like to call your Vitality Journey? I now use bioresonance as part of the experience. It is a superb way to take the guesswork away, as already mentioned. 

I see healing as about removing what is preventing the body from healing itself. The body is constantly regenerating, we are just standing in the way. We need to figure out WHAT is preventing the body from healing itself, and support it with everything we need to fully charge and fuel every cell. I guide you on a “Vitality Journey” over 8 weeks exploring and implimenting the “Four Pillars Of Vitality” with the aim to bring your body back to balance, so your symptoms naturally ease, you achieve a transformation, and you will likely discover energy you never knew you had. 

Prices start at $3500 for 8 weeks. Head to

OPTION 2: Bioresonance Only 

If you are ready to explore bioresonance, you can book one remote scan (below) for $125 per scan or a series of four for $450. This is an intro price. I will be increasing it very soon as simply this I do not have the time, and my hourly rate is normally significantly more. The first scan will be 90 minutes.  Click on the price on the right hand side to be taken to payment and booking form. 



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