Your Partner in Health

Let’s get your vitality
journey on track and get results!

Working with me 1-on-1 is the fastest way to kick your Vitality Journey into high gear.

Group 180 (2)


I guide you through the “Four Pillars of Vitality” and use principles of The Body Electric to help you reverse-engineer the cause, and rebalance. 



I guide you so you don’t have to do this alone. I have “been there, done that” and supported many of the last 9 years. Weekly calls and daily access. 



Every body is different, so while there is a formula that applies to all, we use a tailored / personalized approach specifically for you.  


By now you may know all about my 4 Pillar system, but if not, read to learn about my process and beliefs.

I work with those of you who know about your body’s ability to heal itself and are serious about living a life far beyond survival and want to live a life rich in Vitality.


Too many people suffer unnecessarily, often for years, believing they have a “genetic” disease or an “incurable” illness. And now, we are told about “pre-existing” conditions and “comorbidities” but no one is talking about how to reverse them.

I am a firm believer that the body can heal any chronic illness when you get to the cause and balance your body. I help you reverse engineer your symptom (s). The ‘Secret’ in The Vitality Secret is to get to the cause. I apply principles of “The Body Electric” in order to do this.

Many people do not know that every chronic ‘illness,’ is really a chronic symptom of an underlying root cause (or causes). When you find that root cause, you can become symptom-free, illness-free, pain-free, and Vitality-Rich.


In weekly sessions, we address the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Energetic ‘Pillars of Vitality’ so you can allow your body to heal itself with the ultimate aim to bring your body back to a place of harmony.

Our goal will always be to optimize your body and hormones, and enhance your energy and Vitality.

We’ll meet for an hour over Zoom/ FaceTime, and cover the following:

Group 180 (2)


This is where most start. It is most tangible. 

  • Optimise your nutrition & gut health
  • Activate and oxygenate – this is a must! We cannot outsource movement, so let’s enjoy it. 
  • Determine and eliminate Environmental toxins
  • Discover and eliminate Internal toxins


Your Vitality Starts In Your Mind

  • Create your Vision For Your Vitality – this becomes your guiding light. 
  • Eliminate limiting beliefs, instill empowering ones
  • Leverage the Placebo effect – establish new beliefs 
  • Turn off the Nocebo – the opposite of the placebo


Create a healing environment in your body by reducing stress and promoting harmony

  • Learn the language of your body’s emotions
  • Work through emotions that make you sick
  • Create harmony through emotional IQ
  • Release trapped emotions and trauma


The final piece is the most exciting of all – tapping into the world of energy and the quantum field

  • You are more energy than you are physical  
  • Tap into the Unified Field for rapid healing
  • Change your energy, change your body, and your life
  • Expand your level of thinking to a new level of mind 


Each week after our session, I will follow up with an email of what we covered and action steps. Action steps will include reading links, videos and exercises. As long as you commit to doing the work, you will achieve results.




Group 180 (2)


Transformation can be achieved in 8 weeks. Sometime, it’s all someone needs to rebalance and optimise.



This is a time frame that I will normally recommend for some after our intake call for illnesses that typically take longer



For you if you’d like an in-depth journey to elevate your consciousness, delve deeper into meditation, mental rehearsal, visualisation, manifestation and truly tap into the world of energy


Edwin's results with eczema in less than a month

My 8-week session with Neil was nothing short of life-changing. I started the program knowing nothing about the microbiome and no understanding of where my own gut health was at. I quickly learned that my constant feeling of nausea, fatigue, inflammation was not normal. My entire energy changed for the better! I fell asleep faster and easier, slept better, woke up easier, had clearer skin, no bloating, and the aches and pains basically went away. 
During Neil’s program, I also made the decision to get off my bi-polar medicine and hoped for the balanced microbiome to be enough to take care of me. 3 Months later – no medicine and I have no plans to go back on it! I can now manage my mental state better simply by being more in tune with my heart, brain and gut.
Overall, Neil’s program helped me so much and I am grateful for all the knowledge I can take with me the rest of my life! –  – Aly Rosen, Miami. 
After starting coaching with Neil, I lost neatly a stone (28 pounds) in 2 weeks…at this moment in time I have no pain in my back…it’s been about 2.5 months and I’ve lost nearly 3 stone, my clothes are nearly not wearable. Some of them are literally no good anymore. I don’t have to take painkillers anymore, which is huge. I can’t thank Neil enough, not for putting me on his programme, and giving my guidance, but for actually existing. His work is nothing short of a miracle. I feel amazing. People remind me of how good I’m starting to look and that blows me away. I didn’t think I’d ever get the compliments I’m currently getting now. I thought it was mission-impossible. Thank you, Neil. Seriously, you’ve done a lot for me and I’ll be forever grateful.

– Jye Swan, UK



I was interested in getting involved with Neil because I understood him to have expertise in inflammation. Given I am 65 years old, I didn’t want the quality of my life to deteriorate like it did with my parents. My father agonised in pain, and was on pain meditations. I didn’t want to go down that route. I was looking for alternative methods. Neil straightened them all out. To put it into a nutshell, my body is devoid of aches and pains. It’s really quite remarkable. I’m much more focused about what I put into my body. More recently he’s turned me onto breathing. I didn’t know how to breathe properly! I wasn’t breathing from my diaphragm. Now it’s more automatic. It’s life-changing. Seeing and feeling the benefits is remarkable. I highly recommend working with Neil. You’ll be happier for sure as your issues will disappear 
– Paul Morin, Los Angeles, California

When I think of Neil Cannon…my life is completely transformed in so many ways.  Neil promised you vitality, but it’s a lot more than that.What I’ve experienced has been so incredible that I have to share it with the world. I want many more people to experience what I have experienced.

To start, clarity of vision…then, It’s like an overhaul. We did some tests, blood tests, heavy metals, testosterone etc.  Everything now is green. It wasn’t, now it is.
Then I learned how to breathe and connect with myself and the Source. And that has been transformational because it’s adding oxygen to every single thing of my body. Plus, I added attention and meditation.  This is connecting me to a higher level and amplifying me to levels that I never thought was possible.
I started with 230 pounds. Today I’m doing 217.  I think when we’re done, I’m going to be at 207.  I’m learning to live in a way that is connected to the vitality, that we all have inside.
What Neil does is helps you connect to what you already have inside. That’s the magic of it. It’s not a magic thing.  I’m training for an Ironman, I’m actually thinking of doing so many good things to help others.
I couldn’t wait to wait until my eight weeks of vitality course is done to share this with all of you. If you show up for yourself, you’re going to hire Neil.  My money was paid in the first 10 minutes. I highly encourage you. Just go out and live with the most vitality, because that’s what Neil does.

– Thank you, Neil, my brother. – Zef Cisneros, California

Before working with Neil, I was struggling with a lot of stress, having moved to a new city combined with a pandemic. I was going back to my old habits of emotional eating. I didn’t feel connected or happy. With the energy work I did with Neil, he was able to identify specific emotions, where they were trapped, and how to release them, as well as giving me every day tools and tips on how to start and end my day. Now I feel much lighter and more productive, and no matter what loves throws me, I know I have great tools having worked with Neil.

  • John Livesay, Texas

I am very pleased with your program.  As you know I have done well adapting to a new way of life in my food choices.  You have given me a greater understanding in making the right choices in my nutrition and cooking habits.   My weight continues to slowly drop.  I started out with 238 and now I am down to 214.  I am feeling better and daily feel the inflammation pain going down to a better manageable levels
The tools offered on your website and the availability to talk with you and the resources are a great wealth of information.  I will continue to follow this program and keep you posted.   I want to thank you for helping turn myself around and helping me with a new lifestyle of living. 9.4 down to 7.1 – blood sugar
– Mary, California 
I absolutely loved working with Neil on his health coaching programme. He has such a curiosity to investigate and try out new areas of research and combine different treatments, so I was immediately excited by what could potentially happen.
I’ve had a couple of chronic health conditions for most my life and tried almost everything possible, but I’d almost resigned myself that nothing could improve things. Neil thought differently and took a totally novel, holistic approach, using some awesome therapies I’d never experienced before to help identify the many underlying causes of these conditions, then creating a plan to help reverse & heal them.
Even though it’s early days, I’m already amazed to have noticed some dramatic improvements and can’t wait to see what else will happen!
Neil has been incredibly generous with his time & resources and a really good listener, rather than forcing a pre-prepared agenda.
It was truly inspiring and a total catalyst for change emotionally, mentally & physically. Thank you Neil!

  • CJ Neale, London

When I first met Neil, I really wanted to lose weight. It was out of control. I’ve been able to lose weight in the past, but I’d yoyo back up to my existing weight. This way I wanted to do it in a way that was healthy. I also have heart disease in my family. I needed to learn healthy habits to survive limited longevity in my family. I have felt he’s really helped me with eating. I’ve lost 20 pounds. I haven’t been starving myself. I look forward to eating meals, and feel satisfied.
All of my labs are getting healthier. Aches and pains within my body are better. I had chronic back pain and knee pain. For Neil to be able to connect the dots, hold me accountable, help me learn practical steps… from breathing, to weight training, to proper eating, to be more tuned into my body, my heart…It’s been an amazing experience. If you are overweight, suffering from chronic pain, and you feel that your life plan is pre-determined…I felt my fate was my father’s fate, and he’s turned that around. I feel that the sky’s the limit, that I am a new person. I really appreciate everything you have done for me, Neil, and I know you can help lots of others. Thanks.

  • Tod Johnson, Seattle

Working with Neil Cannon has been awesome. This journey of Vitality that he has been my guide and leader on has been both eye-opening, and instructive, and where I started and where I am now are profoundly different. I feel more connected to the Earth, feel less encumbered by inflammation. I have learned how to breathe. I would highly recommend anyone who wants to improve their physical journey to go on this journey. Oh, weight loss, I’m down almost 50 pounds now..

  • Ian LeWinter, California.

My doctor’s solution for everything was to give me a drug of some sort. I resisted that.  We focused on inflammation in my body, diet, spiritual well-being. My doctor called my progress in the last year remarkable. Transformation for me mentally, physically, spiritually has been incredible. From the way he coached me on this Vitality journey, as well as helping me lose 15 pounds of weight, keeping it off…my blood work has improved. My inflammation score came down. My doctor said “wow, that is a remarkable change in your body over such a short period of time. Neil has made a massive impact in my life. I would highly recommend Neil, he’s been amazing for me, a worthwhile investment. He’s become a great friend a long the way as well. Thank you, Neil. I really appreciate it.

  • Alex Camara, Seattle

“It was quite by chance that we signed up for Neils course. A friend of ours lent us Neil’s book “The Vitality Secret” which was brilliant and so we bought our own edition & with gentle encouragement from our daughter we enrolled on our amazing journey with Neil.
Before working with Neil, we were jaded, lacked focus & needed direction to get fit, healthy and back on track.
With Neil’s guidance on all elements of physical, mental, emotional & spiritual aspects of life, and his passion and enthusiasm for helping everyone, we embarked on our journey together. We have surpassed all our expectations!
We think the process worked so well for us because we decided to do it together, so this re-enforced our commitment & determination to excel. And it was fun! 
Neil is so enthusiastic, passionate & knowledgeable about the subject matter. He brought to our attention some aspects of our health we’d never considered, such as the link with the teeth and dis-ease. We have both learnt so much, Paul has lost a stone (14 lbs), I have lost 10 lbs, we both have more energy & zest for life!
…… so if this process can work for two 67 year olds imagine what it  could do for you.
We would both highly recommend this amazing journey & it was definitely worth every penny” – Paul & Christine Leeds


In December 2016 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, that same day a friend recommended Neil’s book to me.  Three months later I was told I had significantly reversed the diabetes.  The biggest change is how much energy I now have.  I do things at a weekend rather than feel tired and just fall asleep on the settee.  The side effect of this change of diet is the weight loss.  I’ve gone down 9 inches on my waist in just five months.

  • Drew Salmon, UK

Neil helped me transform pretty much everything that I see about food and drink, to the extent that I have been able to make permanent lifestyle changes. I lost around 11kg in weight to reach 17% body fat. I’ve seen a number of minor health complaints simply disappear. I have better sleep and I wake up easier in the morning. I don’t have abdominal craps or indigestion any more, and my energy has increased. Thank you, Neil
– David Edson, London


I am a 71 year old male.I spoke to a friend in the medical field and she referred me to Neil Cannon who she said she’d referred other people to and they had great success.He had a great philosophy about life.  He looked like he practiced what he preached…I bought a copy of Neil’s book “The Vitality Secret”… I was ready to make a lifestyle change because I knew the medications I was taking weren’t doing anything more than just masking my health issues and in some cases actually making me feel worse.I made the commitment and started to work with Neill.  I changed my eating habits, and I can honestly say this is the best I’ve felt in years.  I recently had my blood work done and my doctor couldn’t believe the difference. I’ve lost 15 pounds, I sleep great, I have lots of energy and I no longer take any over- the- counter medications, just vitamins such as Red Yeast Rice for my Cholesterol with great success.I no longer suffer with arthritis in my ankles.  By changing my diet, I rarely get headaches now.I’m very happy with the results I have experienced with Neil and have referred several of my friends to him.
– Haris Kivitz, Los Angeles 

I have read (and watched YouTube presentations) over the years… a multitude of health books, articles and Web pages. The book (The Vitality Secret) which you were kind enough to gift me is IMO by far the best compendium of anything I’ve read before. Neil Cannon touches on so many health issues from diet through to back issues, exercise chemical reactions in body, sleep etc and otters sound advice I feel his IMO by far the best compendium of anything l’ve read before.  I feel his book should be a kind of bible to anybody wishing to be healthy.. I will order all his other books.