The Remarkable Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Electrolyzed Reduced Water

This section was removed from The Vitality Code (due to word count), by my editors. This is highly valuable. As you’ll have seen in The Vitality Code, I encourage you at the very least, to invest in a high-quality water filtration jug or a system that removes toxins, but leaves the minerals. Reverse Osmosis removes […]

Rethinking Cancer: A New Perspective & Three Powerful Resources


Rethinking Cancer And 3 Powerful Resources  Updated: January 2024.    I felt compelled to edit this post from a few years ago, given rates of cancer diagnoses in the last few years, among my circles and beyond, are sharply rising. This perspective is designed to empower you or someone you know who has received the […]

Simplifying The “Battle Of The Diets.”

Please forgive AI in making up words. I tried and tried and this is the best it would create. Not bad! Simplifying this mystery… excerpted from The Vitality Code.  Nutrition can appear complicated with many approaches to diet including paleo, ketosis, “dirty keto,” “clean keto,” “high-fat low-carb,” “high-carb low-fat,” pescatarian, vegetarian, fruitarian, carnivore, vegan, raw […]

The Wim Hof Method – Breathwork

Discover the Wim Hof Method, a scientifically backed breathwork routine that enhances your immune response, improves your concentration, and elevates your mental and emotional well-being. And SO much more!  I have led a group daily (Monday-Friday) since October 2020 to help a community of men within a men’s group I’m in. It is still going […]

Embrace The Future Of Health: Tech-Driven Solutions For Chronic Illness

Do you feel a revolution of medicine towards Energy Medicine is rapidly unfolding? I do. A Hungarian Nobel Prize winner said “Treating humans without the concept of energy is treating dead matter.” His name was Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, MD. It makes sense given we are energy at the subatomic level. Tools for measuring voltage in organs, […]

What Is Chronic Inflammation? 90 Second Video Explains… Concentration spans are getting shorter, and inflammation is not going away! In fact, it’s more rampant than ever. Here is my attempt at explaining it in 90 seconds for you.  Imagine grasping a condition so well, that when you understand it inside and out, and then address it, you can erase most chronic illnesses and […]

My Experience Water Fasting

This week I engaged in a 4-day water fast and I felt inspired to share with you my experience and the benefits. Why would I do this? Simply, I was invited at the end of last year to join a group and I didn’t hesitate. I am familiar with the benefits of fasting. I am […]

Nature’s Medicine Cabinet

NATURE´S MEDICINE CABINET (Part 2) This is a removed section of The Vitality Code (to save on word count). You can also view this here in this PDF. Some of the most powerful and natural medicines are not even considered when someone gets sick. This shows the power of our embedded beliefs, that there is […]

The Vitality Code Book Launch & Masterclass – 11.22.23

Welcome to replay of Wednesday’s “The Vitality Code Book Launch and Masterclass.”    FYI:  I have had faces edited from the video to protect the identities of attendees as best I can.    Question: Are you grappling with persistent symptoms or chronic illness? Do you feel you drag yourself out of bed in the mornings? […]