You are likely here because you have been reading The Vitality Code – thank you.
I hope you are finding it valuable. At the foot of this page, you will find a tooth chart and a video I made simplifying “Healing is Voltage” – by Dr Jerry Tennant. Below is an interview with Dr Chase, from the Tennant Institute.
As you read in the book, quite often a talk or interview or documentary or book will be so impactful that I want to scream it from the rooftops. That happened when I watched a presentation entitled “Healing Is Voltage: The Physics Of Emotions,” by Dr Jerry Tennant, and then bought the book.
And this is when it all clicked:
“A characteristic of all chronic disease is low voltage in an organ.” — Dr Jerry Tennant
My Interview wth Dr Chase from the Tennant Institute on Healing Is Voltage
Listen to the podcast here:
We are more electrical than most ever realize. The entire central nervous system is an intelligent wiring system.
In this chapter of The Vitality Code, you discover what causes organs to thrive and also to shut down, the importance of cell fuels, the elimination of toxins, the impact of trapped emotions (which are stored in the body as electromagnetic fields), and other factors that might drop the voltage to an organ.
When you understand this, you’ll understand that you have the power to reverse engineer almost any chronic symptom.
You will learn from an electrical standpoint what cancer is and how it is created in the body. Dr Jerry Tennant’s teachings reminded me immediately of what I was told by this kinesiologist mentioned in the book.
Dr Jerry Tennant´s own story is powerful. It wasn’t until he researched cell biology from the likes of Dr Bruce Lipton, that he realized some fundamentals of how the human body functions were missing from his training as a physician. This is why he couldn’t get an answer for his own suffering – until he had a major breakthrough.
Trained in eye surgery, Dr Tennant used a laser to remove scars from the eyes of a patient with leukemia who had developed encephalitis. It left him brain damaged, and he had to quit work in 1995. He spent the majority of his days in bed. The best doctors he could find told him he had three viruses in the brain, without a solution. He had a useful three hours a day in which he could think, and he began researching cell biology.
He had an infected root canal removed, and his health quickly returned to normal.
His research into cell biology brought him to the following understanding that cells require electrical energy to function. Key findings:
- Cells are designed to run at a pH between 7.35-7.45. This is the same pH that is in the blood.
- pH describes voltage in a liquid
- A solution is an electron donor (-) or electron stealer (+)
- Voltage is converted using a logarithmic scale, to be referred to in pH
- A +400mV electron is an election “stealer” (pH 0, acid), -400mV is an electron “donor” (ph 14, alkaline), and neutral is 7
- Since cells need to run between pH 7.35-7.45, this means they must run between -20mV and -25mV
- The conclusion is that cells need electrical energy to work
Don’t worry if you didn’t understand the math here, and the voltage talk. Just remember that cells need energy to work, and a negative charge is a good thing, between -20mV to -25mV.
“A characteristic of all chronic diseases is low voltage to an organ.”
What does it mean to have low voltage to an organ? Imagine in your home, that you have different wiring circuits. Depending on the size of your home, or where you live, there will be a different number of circuits between lighting, power, the oven, garden lighting, etc. You might sometimes notice that a light is flickering or becomes dim. Or maybe, all the lights on a circuit start to flicker. When this happens, it means that the flow of electricity has been disrupted. It’s as if not enough power is reaching a light bulb. Normally this happens due to a faulty switch or corrosion somewhere, damaged wire, or a faulty transformer. (You can tell I used to be an electrician.)
Low voltage to an organ can be equated to the lighting in your house example. It means when there is low voltage, organs don’t receive the power or energy they need. So why does this happen? Ultimately, we are constantly wearing ourselves out and needing to make new cells. Every single day, the body generates new cells.
Different parts of our body regenerate at different rates. For example, the macular in the eye takes 48 hours to regenerate, the gut three weeks, the skin is six weeks, the liver is eight weeks, and the nervous system takes about eight months. We are constantly generating new cells.
“Chronic disease only occurs when you lose the ability to create new cells that work.”
This is key to remember. What does it mean to make a new cell that works? According to Dr Jerry Tennant, -50mV of energy is required to make new cells. Ultimately, this means cells are receiving sufficient fuels and are able to detoxify.
Imagine what happens when the body and cells are unable to expel the toxins. They’re always dealing with an infliction of toxins, including heavy metals like mercury (in the mouth and blood), GMOs, glyphosate (in pesticides and herbicides), and also tooth infections and other toxins.
Your Human Battery Packs
Next, there is the storage of energy in the human body. The body has four different battery packs. Muscles are the largest battery pack. Muscles are piezoelectric, which means when you’re moving and strengthening muscles, you’re generating electrons. Isn’t that fascinating? There are many reasons we feel energized after exercise, and this is one key reason. Exercise is one way the human body is designed to recharge your own personal battery packs.
- Muscles are effectively rechargeable batteries.
- The large muscles are all linked with cell membranes, which are little capacitors. Cell membranes comprise layers of fats called phospholipids. Capacitors are like small batteries because they store electrons.
- Inside the cell is the mitochondria, often regarded as the battery of the cell by holistic doctors and practitioners. Inside the mitochondria is a rechargeable battery system.
- The next battery pack is the DNA, which is inside the cell. Something fascinating about DNA is that the cross section looks very familiar to universal geometry and fractal patterns. These fractal patterns and spirals can be seen in galaxies, weather systems, waves, trees, leaves, shells, snowflakes, and many organisms. Every circle of the cross section of the DNA comprises the golden ratio. This means it is 1.618 x height. Anywhere in the universe where we see the golden ratio calls for the implosion of scalar energy. Our DNA uses scalar energy to charge it up! Scalar energy is the energy that, until recently, had no scientific explanation. We’ll review this energy in later chapters.
Our muscles are storage devices that can be regarded as rechargeable batteries, and they are stacked very carefully. Surrounding our muscles, we have a fascia. This is like a stocking. The fascia is a semiconductor, a collection of molecules, in which electrons move through it at the speed of light in one direction.
The fascia serves as a wiring system for the body and every organ in the body has its own battery pack. Because they all have their own battery pack, they can be measured independently to determine why organs may not be functioning.
A stack of muscle batteries is an acupuncture meridian, with which you may be familiar if you have come across Chinese Medicine.
The Physics Of Emotions
Emotions are stored in the body as a magnetic field. If you have a magnetic field standing in a battery pack, it will “steal” the voltage so it can’t get through. In other words, trapped emotions or trauma (of varying degrees) can prevent the flow of electricity around the body, and to reach essential organs. This is HUGE.
Your Teeth Act Like Circuit Breakers
A major reason for the disruption of the flow of electricity around the body, and voltage drop to organs, is dental infections. Every circuit in the body goes through your teeth.
The Intricate Wiring System Of The Human Body
The human body is quite literally a giant wiring system. As you may have gathered now, chronic disease occurs due to the failure of an electrical system. Getting an understanding of how we are wired up, helps us understand that we can “reverse engineer” a symptom.
Healing Is Voltage: Process
How do we know if the voltage is low? At the Tennant Institute, they do this:
1) Figure out why the battery won’t hold its charge, and
2) recharge the battery pack, while figuring out why it happened in the first place
Sounds easy, doesn’t it? This is where the Tennant “bio transducer” comes into play. The first step is to aim it at the organ and charge the cells, and then charge the battery pack behind it. Simple! Or…
How To Use This Information
Remember this one factoid: a characteristic of all illness is low voltage to an organ. If you have any kind of symptom, determine which organ is affected, pretend you’re an electrician, and see what you can do to ”reverse engineer” or problem solve why there isn’t enough power getting to that organ.
Voltage drops because of any one of these, or a combination:
- Insufficient cell fuels
- Excess toxic load in the body
- Mouth toxins: mercury, root canals, cavitations
- Trapped emotions and trauma – this is a big one, looked at in Releasing Trapped Emotions.
- Scarring
Just knowing that inflammation will drop voltage in your body (in any relevant circuit) is enough to consider the vital cell fuels and what you might be deprived of, and what your toxic load might be in the body. It might become obvious to you, and then you can start to balance your body by eliminating toxins, and refueling your body — physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically.
Consider any dental work you might have had. Infected root canals, cavitations, and mercury in the mouth can all drop the voltage in your various organ circuits. Referring to the tooth chart, you can cross-check to see if your symptoms correlate with damaged or treated teeth. I would encourage you to seek out a biological dentist, or holistic dentist who is trained in the body electric. If you have mercury in your mouth, it’s recommended to remove it, but with extreme caution. Mercury removal can lead to mercury poisoning, so this must be done with considerable care. Your standard dentist will likely not know how to do this, nor believe any of this!
Below is a simplified explanation by yours truly of Dr Jerry Tennant’s Healing Is Voltage (35 mins).
If you would like help implementing this to reverse an illness or optimise your. body in any way, I invite you to check out how I can support you one on one, here:
My Simplified Version of Dr jerry Tennant's Healing Is Voltage
Tooth Chart