This is a continuation of a removed section of The Vitality Code and is Bonus Material for readers and beyond. In the previous post on water, we looked into the remarkable anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative effects of electrolyzed reduced water (ERW), Kangen specifically. Here we look into the energetic components of water. This is next-level stuff! There is SO much more to water than what meets the eye. It is our #2 life fuel after oxygen, and we must get this right. At least, optimise as best we can. This part is truly fascinating.
Hexagonal Water
“Water is the mirror that has the ability to show us what we cannot see. It is the blueprint for our reality, which can change with a single, positive thought. All it takes is faith, if you’re open to it.” — Dr Masaru Emoto (1943-2014), The Hidden Messages in Water
There is more to water than what appears to meet the eye — and the lips. As we look beyond pure and fundamental hydration and ionized water, and into the world of energy, it’ll help to explain the experiments of Dr Masaru Emoto, and go on to explain The Fourth Phase of Water, as more recently revealed by Dr Gerald Pollack. This is the first snippet of a little quantum magic, when we introduce the idea that water is energy. We will cover:
- Dr Masaru Emoto´s Messages In Water
- Water crystals exposed in different environments
- How to structure water
Before I continue, I’d like to re-quote Nikola Tesla, who said, “if you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
In other words, everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. And everything is vibrating. If you remember any of your physics lessons in high school, you might remember that even solid matter is vibrating. The current thinking is that there are three phases of water: solid, liquid, and gas/vapor.
Introducing Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist who discovered that crystals formed in frozen water appeared as different shapes when exposed to different types of music, words, thoughts, and emotions. Dr. Emoto did this by capturing water’s “expressions.” Using a very powerful microscope in a very cold room along with high-speed photography, he photographed newly formed crystals of frozen water samples.
When water crystals were exposed to beautiful classical music like Mozart or Beethoven, the crystals would demonstrate universal geometric shapes like snowflakes, whereas when exposed to hard or thrash metal music, there would be no obvious shape, and the image would be dull. True story! Similar findings resulted when exposing water crystals to words of love, appreciation, and gratitude, compared with words of fear and hatred.
Water samples from extremely polluted rivers directly seem to express the “state” the water is in. He also found that fresh water from springs demonstrated beautiful, complex, colorful snowflake-like patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, formed incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. The implications of his research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact our personal health and beyond.
Dr. Emoto’s laboratory examined a number of different types of water, and found several interesting things.
- Water samples from clean, natural sources usually showed a beautiful, hexagonal crystal, while most of the tap waters did not show good crystals or showed only partially crystallized form.
- Distilled water was exposed to various pieces of music, and then its water crystal was examined. It seemed that the shape of the resultant water crystals was dependent on the kind of the music.
- Distilled water was exposed to various kinds of photographs for 24 hrs, and the water was examined as above. In some cases, similarities were found between the images in the photograph and the shape of the resultant water crystal.
- A label with written words was put on a glass tube that contained distilled water. After 24 hrs, the water was examined. When “Thank you” and “You fool” were shown to distilled water, the water exposed to “Thank you” showed a very beautiful and powerful hexagonal crystal, while the water exposed to “You fool” did not show any good crystal structure. When exposed to the words “Love and Gratitude,” water showed the most beautiful water crystal. This result became the base of Dr. Emoto’s philosophy on “Love and Gratitude”.
- When water was exposed to prayer or chi-energy, it seemed also that water changed its structure.
Dr. Emoto self-published a photograph collection entitled “Message from Water” in 1999 to summarize the results. In 2001, he published a Japanese (original) version of Hidden Messages in Water in Japan, and it was translated into English in 2005. Afterwards, those books have been translated into 45 languages and sold more than 5 million copies all over the world.[1]

The success of his books outside Japan has been remarkable. Dr. Emoto lectured around the world as a result and conducted live experiments both in Japan and Europe, as well as in the U.S., to show how our thoughts, attitudes, and emotions as humans deeply impact us and the environment. This ties in beautifully with the work of Dr. David Hawkins, who has written a number of New York Times bestsellers, one of which is Power Versus Force. In this book, Hawkins demonstrates how different emotions have different frequencies, and he displays it on a chart entitled “The Scale Of Consciousness” with higher frequency emotions such as appreciation, gratitude, love, and enlightenment towards the top, and, towards the bottom, the emotions of guilt, shame, anger, and fear are presented.
This is linked with health, as you’ll see in The Body Electric and also the work of Dr Joe Dispenza and Dr Bruce Lipton. All illness is a result of the lowering of frequency, and this can influence our lives externally for us in a variety of ways.
A Double-blind test has also been carried out to demonstrate the effects of distant intention on water crystal formation:
“The hypothesis that water ‘treated’ with intention can affect ice crystals formed from that water was pilot tested under double-blind conditions. A group of approximately 2,000 people in Tokyo focused positive intentions toward water samples located inside an electromagnetically shielded room in California. That group was unaware of similar water samples set aside in a different location as controls. Ice crystals formed from both sets of water samples were blindly identified and photographed by an analyst, and the resulting images were blindly assessed for aesthetic appeal by 100 independent judges. Results indicated that crystals from the treated water were given higher scores for aesthetic appeal than those from the control water (P = .001, one-tailed), lending support to the hypothesis.”
This perfect crystalline structure in water that Dr Emoto discovered is also known as structured (or hexagonal) water. This water is found in nature and in our cells. It’s the most bio available state of water and has superior healing abilities, as compared to “dead” water.
When water is mechanically filtered, treated with chemicals, and contaminated with various toxins, leading to excessive toxicity in tap water, including abnormal estrogen levels (causing the feminisation of fish, aqua life, and men as per the previous chapter), the structure changes and, therefore, the water loses some of its healing benefits. But science is telling us that the structure of water is more important than the chemical composition. There’s a difference between “chaotic,” non structured water and the structured (hexagonal) water that can be found in flowing rivers.
When we understand this, and truly get our heads around it, it opens up a whole new approach to water, our bodies, life, and, ultimately, the planet and beyond.
Everything is energy. We are made up of around 60% water, and water is also energy. Consider the body as an energy body, rather than a meat suit, and what we put in it will either raise the energy, or will lower our energy. If we drink contaminated, dead water, this is likely going to lower our frequency. Whereas if we drink pure spring water, and hexagonal/ structured water, this is going to help us to raise our frequency. And knowing that water is impacted by the words, emotions, and music to which it is exposed, it starts to become imaginable how the words we use on ourselves and the emotions we experience can impact our cells and our health, given we are made up of mostly water.
So, what to do with this information? In an ideal world, we drink pure water from springs so we know we’re consuming snowflake-like crystals in our water. Since this is unrealistic, the next thing you do is to find a way of “structuring” the water. There are devices out there that can help you to do this. Go to to learn more about products and ways to consume the highest frequency water money can buy.
Additionally, some EMF protection devices also structure your water when placed next to a water jug. They, too, can be found on my site.
You can also label your water with loving words, as Dr Emoto did, bless it, sing to it, play classical music to it, and all sorts of weird and wacky things! (I don’t do that, and opt for the most scientific option.)
The Fourth Phase Of Water
This ties closely with electrolyzed, reduced water. This section is labeled after the bestselling book written by Dr Gerald Pollack. The fourth phase refers to a phase beyond the three phases already known: solid, liquid, and gas (or vapor).
Here we will cover:
- How our cells need energy (looked at in more depth in The Body Electric)
- How light gives energy to cells
- Mitochondria
- Exclusion zones
At face value, we appear to be made up of about 2/3 water. Since the water molecule is so small, we are actually around 99% water.
A few of nature’s unexplainable phenomena are:
- How do clouds just sit in the sky?
- Jesus Christ lizards in Australia — how do they walk on water?
- If you put two beakers of water together, and two electrodes in them, put a high voltage between them, a bridge forms between the beakers.
Water molecule contains an oxygen molecule and two hydrogen molecules (H2O).
What we don’t know is how water molecules interact.
We know about solid, liquid, and vapor. One hundred years ago, Sir William Hardy professed that there is a fourth phase to water between solid and liquid, with a gel-like consistency. The surface on a water droplet was forgotten about.
Cells are made mostly of water. How can we restore this fourth phase of water?
Water was put next to a gel, and it was found that water molecules would separate from the material, such as gel, and a zone of separation between the material (gel) and the rest of the molecules formed. They called this the exclusion zone or EZ zone.
Scientists discovered H3O properties in water.
They investigated the electrical charge in water. They found that negatively charged water sat next to the material, and positive charges were away from the surface. The same thing happened with a sphere of a material in the middle. Surrounding the material were negatively charged molecules and as distance increased away from the material, they were positive.
Two molecules were placed next to each other, and negative charges were attracted to one another and positively charged molecules were also attracted.
In a cloud, this is how it’s happening. Each droplet of water contains a shell. This is also how a bridge is created.
We can get energy from water. Entirely free energy. We can have a battery made from water. What charges a water battery?
A student did an accidental experiment. He shined a light on the exclusion zone. The EZ zone grew. Energy came from direct and indirect light. Infrared light is indirect light. Infrared energy is given off by everything.
EZ water builds the more light is shined on the water, when the sun shines on water.
When photons from the sun’s energy hits a plant, the plant uses that energy, through photosynthesis. You cannot separate energy from water. Water is a repository of energy. We can get energy from sunlight and water.
Clear drinking water: When hydrophilic material next to contaminated water, the EZ zone expands, and contaminated water is separated from clean water.
Our cells enable a kind of photosynthesis. Light is absorbed and creates a charge separation. When the sun’s energy reaches us, the energy penetrates deeply.
It is possible that some of the energy that we absorb is used to stimulate blood flow? This is INCREDIBLE!
We humans absorb water to create energy.
Radiant energy from the sun gives energy to water, and to our cells. We are 99% water (molecules).
Weather example: Pressure and temperature are more spoken about than charge. Charge might be more important.
When we drink water, there is more to it, than just hydration as you saw in the last section.
Getting electricity out of water from the sun’s energy, might be key to unlocking health, and why the sun is so powerful in energizing the human body.
Firstly, where do we get our energy? Food is one way. We also get energy from light, just like green algae, through photosynthesis, which absorbs energy.
Each and every one of us is water. Dr Adam Wesler did a fascinating TED talk on water and life. He wanted to ask the question, when his father was diagnosed with cancer, why some people get better, and others do not.
When two glasses are placed next to each other and voltage is passed through the water, a bridge is created between the glass.
We have one hundred trillion trillion water molecules. Are we thinking about the water in our bodies?
What builds EZ water in your cells?
- Drinking water — raw material for building EZ water.
- Green juicing — EZ water from plant cells, and into your cells.
- Turmeric, coconut water — when added to the water can build EZ.
- Sunshine builds EZ water. Light we receive builds EZ.
- Infrared light builds EZ light
- Negative charge of the ground builds EZ water. The Earth is negatively charged. Soak it up, to build EZ water.
Are we solar powered? The first step of photosynthesis is the splitting of water.