Dr Joe Dispenza Advanced Retreat – Day 5 – Coherence Healings

Coherence Healings  

“Two years ago if you asked me about this, I’d not have any idea what was possible with these coherence healings.” Joe D. 

Indigenous cultures have spoken about the power to the heart, the supreme intelligence of the heart, and how the brain is in service to the heart. Yet in the Western world, the heart’s intelligence is regarded as almost “woo woo”.  Well, thankfully, science is proving that beyond doubt the heart is more than a pump. Check out this except from the movie, The Power Of The Heart, featured on Gaia: 

Excerpted from The Power Of The Heart on Gaia.  Go here to watch:

I’d like to take the woo woo out of the heart-brain connection, and express what I experienced first hand at Dr Joe Dispenza´s advanced retreat, and before the retreat in fact. When we understand what we can do with energy, and with our hands, everything changes. It starts by knowing, or reminding ourselves, that we are mostly made of energy. And….0.0000000000001 matter. (Something to that effect.) 

Have you ever felt the energy between your hands? I first felt this about a decade ago (which played a part in opening my mind), and revisited in 2019 when I did an energy course on Mindvalley with Jeffrey Allen, and read several books on energy healing. I then practiced on a few friends and a girl I was seeing at the time. She had near-on miraculous results. 

I say miraculous, but really, when a process is repeatable, it becomes a technology. It is no longer a miracle. It is something that we can rinse and repeat. For ourselves, and one another. And this is precisely what we did at this retreat. 

Enter Day 5 of Dr Joe. I had no idea we’d be doing this prior to the event and it was one of the most magical experiences I’ve….experienced. I knew it was possible thanks to my own experiences, and the science presented by Heartmath institute and their Global Coherence Initiative, where people are gathering together in a coherent state, to create change in others and the world – all with electromagnetic energy. 

COHERENCE HEALING – my notes from Day 5

  • Electromagnetism
  • Every living organism has an electromagnetic field 
  • Heart & Brain coherence has a direct impact on the magnetic field that surrounds the human body, the “toroidal field” that can be measured with “magnetometers” . HeartMath has carried out this research for 30 years.  
  • Heart & brain coherence improves HRV, a key marker in one’s health, as it has a significant impact on the secretion of a cascade of chemicals and compounds


Source: https://www.heartmath.com/science/

  • We know the electromagnetic field of one person can affect that of another,
    • Heartmath: “These data show it is possible for the magnetic signals radiated by the heart of one individual to influence the brain rhythms of another. In addition, this phenomenon can occur at conversational distances.”
  • Data is showing us that when we experience elevated emotions, such as those of love and appreciation, gratitude, the body secretes its own pharmacy of chemicals conducive to healing – around 1400 biochemical changes take place that support growth and repair (I might have just looked this up in Becoming Supernatural, references HeartMath and ´Molecules Of Emotion´)
  • University of Arizona showed that communication between the heart and brain was via electromagnetic fields, not through neurological or other established pathways 
  • When the heart and brain are in a coherent state, the electromagnetic field, and the Toiroidal field 
  • Coherence healings are doing amazing things right now, in person – and remotely
  • Typically speaking, heart & brain coherence results in a 60% improvement in gene expression, metabolites, proteins and other key markers. Compared this with drugs that account for 20-30% improvement.
  • Remote coherence healings result in about 30% improvement 
  • QUANTUM study at Marco Island (I just looked this up to support my notes) 
    • 774 participants 
    • Of the enrolled participants, 42 had cancer.
    • Controlled for the study subjects by finding 42 healthy participants who were matched to the 42 cancer patients by age and gender.
    • All study subjects were in the same environment – the same schedule, hotel, meals, the same meditations. 
    • The subset of 42 cancer patients participated in all the meditations and lectures during a Week Long Retreat – with the rest of the attendees.
    • The cancer patients received three Coherence Healing™ sessions at the event. The healthy controls were healers in those same sessions.
    • Participants filled out self-evaluation surveys before and after the seven-day event.
    • Gut microbiome was studied, by taking fecal samples before and after the event. Other biomarkers were taken. 
    • Results were promising / astounding. (And can be looked at on his blog)
    • Why do people continue to do this outside of this event?
    • The feelings that those people have, from healing another person, and being a part of that person’s transformation – they don’t do that to endorse the ego. They do it to get close to wholeness when they give, to get better at hitting a target, the real pay off: when they hear the story of the person who had the change – how they got a new body, in some way, a new environment, new life, not in the same predictable future. 
    • They hear those stories, and being a part in that person’s change and transformation, causes them want to do more of it 
  • Helping another person in a tribe – being part of it, the emotion that comes with it is like no other emotion ever felt. Some people heal themselves in the process of healing another person. 
  • How?
    • Emulate the Divine – Simples!
    • Tune into the frequency of love – (we know scientifically that the chemicals of love trigger a different cascade of chemicals to the chemicals and hormones of fear and stress) 
    • Direct that energy onto the recipient who is also in a coherent state 
    • “Two years ago if you asked me about this, I’d not have any idea what was possible with these coherence healings.”
    • I spoke with participants from this event, and from previous events, and those who carry out these coherence healings regularly. The results are simply astounding. Sometimes, in one coherence healing, someone’s symptoms can disappear, and some pretty severe. 
    • We are more powerful than we have ever been allowed to believe

What took place in the afternoon on Day 5 was quite sacred. I almost do not want to share (again) because I do not want to take away from what was experienced by those at the event. What I´ll say is that the love I felt that day, throughout the participants, and the energy of the room was unforgettable. I felt like my heart burst open. 

The care that was taken for this experience to take place by Dr Joe and his team was extraordinary. 

We were prepared for quite some time. I won’t go into the details. It’ll just way we were connected to the frequency of love, guided by Dr Joe and his remarkable meditation skills. When directed, 1500 of us entered the room not making a sound, and joined, at random, a “healing pod”, 8 per pod, 4 either side, with a “healee” in the middle.  Dr Joe Guided us through a powerful meditation to raise the frequency in our bodies, and that of the entire room. We knew what was going to take place as we had rehearsed beforehand. 

The healees were also prepared and trained for the event to receive the healing. In short, they, too, were instructed to put themselves into a high frequency state, to connect with their hearts, to connect with love, appreciation, gratitude, care, compassion, with slow, steady breathing. Scientifically, we know that this changes the electromagnetic field around the body. 

My notes from Day 5:

  • Default mode is victim – it is our program (I would say this level of thinking has been programmed into us since a very young age. It is a disempowered state, leaving us victim to a medical system that also does not serve us for most chronic illnesses. (Effective in emergency of course.)
  • No one can create from victim
  • We are creators. Walk as if.
  • It takes a lot of awareness to not run the old program
  • Coherence healings: ALS, there are people who have got their body back in one coherence session
  • “Scholars look at me and say “it’s not science” and I say “This is the new science. This is not pseudoscience.” 
  • “Is this odd or God, I don’t know…??” 
  • Walking meditation helps to not default into the old program
  • You can create your own reality. You do create your own reality
  • Believe in your future more than you believe in your past
  • Re-learn the teachings (that have been lost)
  • The breath anaesthetises the analytical mind and brings a symphony of Order
  • You are that thought. You are Source. Singularity. You are the kaleidoscope.  
  • No one changes until they change their energy
  • Belief and knowing about all of this enables and ensures you do “the work”
  • You have tremendous momentum in this group. 
  • Data tells you this works
  • You can’t get frustrated about why it’s not happened to you yet 
  • Frustration keeps the magic away 
  • An abundant person never thinks that he/she can’t make more money
  • Keep spending time with it. Be aware of it. Interact with it. (The Field)
  • You can show the world what it looks like to be unusual 
  • Choose YOU to be relaxed in the heart, and awake in the brain
  • Finish the way you finished like you did today, and your life will never be the same again 
  • This is a Self Reflective Universe
  • We are not punished for our sins. We are punished BY our sins. By being off the mark. (Not in alignment with ourselves, our values…love.)
  • Don’t linger in negative thoughts. Shorten the refractory time. (The time we spend in negative emotion)
  • Your soul signed up for adventure 
  • You cannot go into the future by hanging onto the emotions of the past 
  • Nothing in your life changes until you change => I must change myself to change my life. Simples. 
  • People come here for Wholeness
  • Hilarious case study. One woman said “I feel so whole, enthused for life, I´m in love with life…” Dr Joe said “will you just tell them?” She replies: “Oh yes, I can see again…” 

“A side effect of homeostasis is symptoms disappear”

  • Remember the frequency of whatever you are calling in
  • He gave the example of his broken spine, in hospital, face down, paralysed, unable to move. He consistently practiced visualisation. If he got distracted, he would start all over again. 
  • Tune into the frequency of the experience by removing the veil.  
    • Cue: The Pineal Gland. Look for notes from Day 6, to follow



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