I mentioned a few weeks ago in a video I filmed about accessing your heart’s intelligence, that ayahuasca has helped me to access my truth, my heart, as well as to heal. This is stuff I’ve never spoken about on social or online, as it’s personal to me, but I felt it was about time to share, so you, too, are aware of what is available for you, particularly if you’re suffering from an illness which you may have been told is “incurable.” I’m not suggesting this is your answer – I’m suggesting it’s something to consider as part of a healing protocol – if it’s right for you, and if you feel called to it. Please note, this is not to be taken lightly and really must be done with great respect. Never recreationally!
I’m really excited to see plant medicines being thoroughly researched right now and being brought into the limelight – even if it is still illegal in this country. Imperial College In London is carrying out the largest studies in the UK on psychedelics including psilocybin (magic mushrooms) and ayahuasca – for medical purposes, and also MDMA. Their main focus is for addressing depression, stress and anxiety – mental health essentially.
Ayahuasca is is called a plant medicine because helps the body to heal – and, yes, it’s from a plant. Aptly-named I hear you say. In case you’re not aware, ayahuasca is an extremely powerful psychedelic plant medicine that has been consumed for thousands of years in the Amazon.

According to Graham Hancock, author of ‘Fingerprints Of The Gods,’ and is famous for his banned TED talk called ‘The War On Consciousness,’ ayahuasca can be traced back 40,000 years. It contains DMT, dimethyltryptamine. It is often referred to as ‘The Vine Of The Soul,’ and more recently, ‘The Spirit Molecule’ – a documentary you can watch on Netflix, based on a book by the same title, written by Dr Rick Strassman. DMT is produced naturally in plants and animals. It is produced by and secreted from the pineal gland in our brains, also known as the 3rd eye. It is possible to experience the effects of DMT through meditation alone, although it tends to take a lot of practice and dedication.
Personally, I see DMT as a gateway to consciousness for guidance, and a profound and powerful way to heal and release trauma. I see it as accessing The Divine. (I’m not referring to a religious denomination here, I’m talking about going direct to Source – from which we are made). Side note: the field of quantum physics has proven we’re all interconnected by a field of intelligence, so we’re now catching up in the Western World, with what has been practiced in indigenous cultures since the beginning of time. We are living in the most extraordinary times to be alive! If this is new to you: Have you ever considered how the heart beats seemingly all by itself or what breathes us? If you’ve seen me rave about Dr Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton, this is how people are achieving seemingly miraculous healings – in days – by accessing this field of consciousness. Through thought alone. No medication necessary.
So there’s a brief background. Now we know that most, if not all illnesses are a result of a form of trauma, or several, (large and small), also knowns as trapped emotions, it is imperative that we find ways to release it. Trauma is stored in the body in the form of electromagnetic fields or ‘balls’ of energy according to Dr Bradly Nelson, author of The Emotion Code. So it’s our job to find ways to release it.
Plant Medicines are one way. There are many. And by the way, trauma doesn’t have to be in our life times, we can inherit it and the science of Epigenetics has proven this. We can release trauma using somatic therapy. Somatic refers to how the body stores trauma and trapped emotions. Somatic therapy is the release of trauma without reliving the trauma through talk therapy – which can actually solidify it in our minds and body. In neuroscience a well-known term is ‘nerve cells that fire together, wire together’ – so you can see how traditional psychotherapy might, potentially, make it worse. This is why I’m a personal fan of somatic therapy.
My Experience
It must be that it’s practically 2 years ago to the week, that this experience happened and why I felt compelled to share it. Ever since the 2nd time I drank ayahuasca, my body has become what I can only describe as being ‘activated.’ This activation begins with shaking, and it always starts with my legs. This alone, is a form of trauma release – TRE, as it is often referred. (Check out my interview with Anahita on my podcast if you want to learn more about TRE and how she reversed her Chronic pain with Trauma Release Exercises.) I first experienced trauma release in this way, when I saw an incredible healer in San Francisco – with no plant medicine. She was someone who was described to me as Yoda from Starwars. I was told that she’d just know stuff about me – and that she was incredible. That, she is. She would ‘extract’ energy from me using a variety of methods, crystals, and in one healing session, and out of nowhere, my legs started to shake.
This is now what happens with me with ayahuasca – every time. Only, it goes considerably further than shaking. Shortly after the visuals start, and I see the sacred geometry, my legs beginto shake. First my legs, and then my upper body. I feel this force (medicine) passing through my veins – a force that I can only describe as pure love. An immensely powerful pure love force passes through every cell in my body. (I just got goose bumps throughout my body as I wrote that.) My breathing changes – I have no control over my breathing. Mother Ayahuasca is breathing me – I’ll refer to Her as She or Mother Aya. (I could stop this if I wanted to, but why would I – it feels incredible.) My breathing becomes staggered. It becomes rhythmic. Sometimes I shallow breathe, other times I use 2/3 of my lungs, other times deep breaths. Sometimes Mother Aya holds the air in my lungs, and other times She forces all of the air out of my lungs. At times with no air in my lungs, it gets slightly uncomfortable but I know I’m safe. This is all done completely involuntarily. My body is no longer mine. My body is alive and active – yet I’m not in control. (Unless I choose to be and open my eyes.)
She moves me from a sitting position to lying down – as if to say “you’re going to need to lie down for this. Lie down.” She grabs my arm, plays with me as it to say “See? Look what I can do, I’ve got you.” She plays with another limb. She moves my head to one side, then to the other, the most extraordinary music I’m hearing is accentuating this magically blissful experience. My face is calm, I have an ecstatic smile on my face as my body is thrown around like a rag doll. My head goes left and right. It’s still again. I feel this incredible intensity in my head as if my brain is being healed. It’s like my head has healing hands around it. An energy passes through my brain that I cannot describe. My upper body is bouncing up and down. My arms are pressing hard on the floor next to me. My chest is forced out into the centre of the room. The visuals I’m seeing are giving me messages. She’s playing me movies from my lifetime, one event after the next. One trauma after an other. I see my parents’ traumas. I shake them off. I see another one, I shake that off. As this is happening, my body is releasing the energy. When a significant event is played, my whole body is activated – everything is shaking. If anyone can see what is happening (and inside the room of course they can – there are 20 other people in the room having their own experience) – it’ll look like I’m possessed. Only, I’m possessed by pure love. My face tells you so. None of the support team attend to me, they know I’m fine. They witness me. They know I’m safe. I know I’m safe. I know I’m experiencing healing from pure and unconditional love.
This is all standard for me – each time. What happened to me two years ago though, was even bigger.
If you can imagine movies being played to you, sometimes quick flashes of information, clear messages, guidance – and your body responding as messages are seen and heard, this is how Mother Aya works with me. The colours are out of this world. Sometimes I’m in a jungle. Other times I see animals. I see faces. I see friends’ faces. I see family faces. Everything has its purpose – a message.
My body was activated for what felt like hours. Someone brings water to me. I drink steadily as advised.
I lie back down and continue my journey. My body comes alive again. Every now and again, my body calms down. It sometimes stops moving completely. Alan Watts is played, and an important message, bang on cue, is be heard by my body. Alan Watts mentions something about parental trauma and ancestral trauma. And all of a sudden, my body is activated again, my entire body is shaking. I feel a hand on my left hand as my beautiful friend to my left is supporting me through what’s happening. As I write this, I’m feeling emotional. She hears the words spoken by Alan Watts. She knows what is happening to my body. She knows what is being released. She makes a sound as if to say “I hear you. I’ve got you.”
At one point, the shaman / guide creates silence in the room, no more music, and no words spoken. Just gentle noise. Noises of people purging in their buckets, as they too, are releasing trauma. Some people are crying. Some are laughing. And gently, the guide asks if anyone would like to say any prayers. My body is slowly calming down. My breathing can be heard by the room, my body is still bouncing up and down. And then I start to hear prayers and my body seizes to move. My visuals show me the energy of the prayers travelling over the curvature of the planet in this line of green energy. In one prayer, a man speaks of his father who has psoriatic arthritis, how’s he’s really suffering, and requests for us to pray for him. All of a sudden, my entire body is activated again. My friend’s hand is back on mine as she’s supporting me whilst I release not my trauma, but the trauma experienced by the father with the illness – the father of the man in the room. My body calms down again. I’m silent. The room is silent. Then someone else says a prayer. She mentions a sick relative and how she is concerned about all of the medications they are on. As soon as my body hears ‘medications’ my entire body is activated and I’m thrown around like a rag doll. I’m told by Mother Aya so clearly that the medications are causing harm. My friend’s hand is on mine again. Mother Aya shows me I’m on the right path with my work. I’m told to keep going. This fills me with more confidence and certainty with what I’m doing with my work.
This continues for another hour or so, and eventually the medicine leaves my body. At least the strength of it is weakened. The visuals come to an end. My body calms down and returns to normal. I drink water like I’ve not drank water for weeks. I sit in reflection. I cry. I smile. I thank Mother Aya.
It’s difficult to encapsulate an experience such as this. The journey lasted 4-5 hours. At the end, there is always an opportunity to share, and you hear others who are sharing their experiences. I relayed my experience to my friend who was holding my hand, who said to me “tell me everything.” I said it felt like she was supporting me as I went to war. I relayed that it felt like I was not only releasing my own trauma, but releasing trauma from others. It was as if I was releasing trauma from the collective of the room, and from those for whom prayers were being said. At times, it even felt like I was releasing trauma for the masses, from those who were suffering. It felt like I was releasing trauma from people making terrible decisions in the world, people in power who are separated from Source – from their hearts. I felt like I was even releasing the trauma that the drugs (legal ones) were causing to people’s bodies. That was the message I was receiving on that one sitting.
Every time I sit, I receive confirmation from Mother Aya, from The Divine, of my purpose and truth. Every time is a healing. Afterwards my eyesight is clear. I can see colours as if I have just been born. The week ahead I feel like a new human. The clarity of my mind is untouchable. I feel as if the veil is lifted. I feel truth. I see truth. I know truth.
If this is something you’d like to consider, I encourage you to research this, thoroughly. Check out the Imperial College articles on this, read books on it, such as The Spirit Molecule and/or watch the movie. People I have met in circles man friends have told me that they’ve used plant medicine as a way to heal. One woman I met on one sitting told me she’d suffered from fibromyalgia for two decades. In three sittings, it was gone. This is the power of this medicine. Another teenage boy was using ayahuasca as part of his cancer healing protocol. It wasn’t the only thing, but it was part of it.
This is not to be taken lightly. The fact that it’s illegal may even be a good thing, as it is something that really must be done with so much care and respect and with a circle and guide or shaman whom you trust. It took me 2 years to learn about ayahuasca before I sat. I had to make sure it was right for me.
If there is nothing else you take away from this – please remember this: The body keeps the score. We store trauma. This is not ‘woo woo’ anymore and we get to figure out ways to release it. Plant Medicine is just one way. Consider this. Consider other ways. There are certain conditions or drugs that plant medicines should not be used – such as if you’re taking anti-depressant medications. The body must be clear of them as they interact with the DMT, and not in a good way.
Finally, if you’d like your own ‘partner in health’ – and I’m not talking about plant medicines here, I’m referring to addressing the physical, mental and emotional ‘Pillars of Vitality,’ to help you to heal your own body, to become symptom-free, please get in touch
One Response
Great article Neil and I admire your vulnerability. Thank you for sharing such a powerful experience and I admire all the work that is happening in this field.
Keep up your amazing healing efforts for yourself and everyone that you touch with your incredible vocation.
Thank you