Rethinking Cancer And 3 Powerful Resources
I felt compelled to edit this post from a few years ago, given rates of cancer diagnoses in the last few years, among my circles and beyond, are sharply rising. This perspective is designed to empower you or someone you know who has received the diagnosis.
First up: I just want to acknowledge that you are likely feeling fearful, scared, and maybe hopeless at this stage. This diagnosis comes with quite a charge. After all, for our whole lives, we have been told something about this topic which is scary, to say the least. My aim is to instill in you hope on this subject, for your body to fully heal, as it is designed to. I want to remind you how powerful the human body is in healing itself, how immaculately and intelligently designed we are, with examples from my own life and holistic health coaching practice, research, and also supporting those with it – with great success. (No, I’m not saying “I cure cancer” or “I have found the cure for cancer” – I’m offering a refreshing perspective.)
The subject of cancer fascinates me. I went on a deep quest in 2015 when I lost 3 friends to it (or rather the treatment for it) in the space of a year. Just like I was suspicious of Modern Medicine in my mid-teens about the treatment I received for eczema (which lasted for 30 years), my father’s avoidable stroke (which, interestingly, was my Wake-Up Call), I got very curious (and suspicious) about cancer and carried out considerable research on the topic. I followed my intuition. An inner “knowing.” I wholeheartedly believe this topic has been over-complicated (along with all chronic illnesses), and that the body wasn’t designed to be complicated.
I used to avoid this subject on my main social profile out of fear of upsetting or triggering someone. Now I consider what I have to say so important, important, and timely. It’s not about creating more fear – far from it. it’s about lovingly suggesting to you to develop a new understanding and perspective of cancer. That, for me, is the key to reversing this naturally. Along with a strong desire and reason to go about what I consider an exciting and mind-expansive healing journey.
I hope this instills curiosity in you, too. For now: I invite you to suspend current beliefs, and instead, consider that there is… another way.
I’ll assume you know nothing about me. Briefly: As with everyone I have met who works in holistic health, I come with my own story of reversing/healing something that is supposedly “genetic” or even “incurable.” For me, as mentioned, it was eczema. You might think this has nothing to do with cancer. It does. The reason it does is that they both stem from the same underlying cause: chronic inflammation. Since 2015, the focus of my client work has been chronic inflammation, and I’ve been supporting my clients reverse a wide variety of symptoms related to this one underlying cause. I’ll explain more about this in a moment.

I wrote a book called Vitality Secret that was published in 2016 and became a #1 bestseller, and last year, my latest book, The Vitality Code was published which also became a #1 bestseller. The “Secret” is to get to, and address, the cause of illness.

I don’t feel we were designed to be complicated, nor to need a PhD to grasp fundamentals. The best practitioners and healers I know how zero formal education. They get straight to the root and do/advise as to what is necessary to rebalance the body. If I were to provide now examples of what I have witnessed in others, and have experienced myself, too, you might not even believe it at this stage. For now: consider Native American Medicine men and women, indigenous cultures, and what medicine used to be prior to 1910.
Cancer Is An Inflammatory “Dis-ease”

What is inflammation?
Consider this simplified version: It is your immune system reacting to protect you from a threat, either a physical threat (toxin) or a perceived threat (in the case of chronic stress.) Our immune system goes on overdrive when something enters the body that it does not recognise, and/or when the body is exposed to something that it considers “foreign” or “alien.” I refer to our immune system as our “army of defenders” – protecting us at all times. It’s a healthy immune response. If it didn’t happen, we would die. With that said, when the body is chronically exposed to foreign or alien intruders, the body will create a symptom depending on our genetic makeup. (Please note: I’m not saying “genetic disease” here.)
How else would we know that our body is out of balance or toxic? The body has to communicate with us somehow, or we would never know. I compare symptoms the body presents to warning lights on your car dashboard. Symptoms invite us to “get under the hood” to address the root cause.
This is what Functional Medicine and natural, holistic medicine approaches incorporate.
What is a toxin I hear you ask? Simply, that which is not in alignment with Nature and “The Nature Codes.” If you were to think of it like this, can you think of anything you have been exposed to recently (or not recently) that is potentially toxic or has something entered your body that is potentially toxic? If you can’t, some various forms of testing can reveal alien “intruders.”
A bold claim: If one embarks upon a cancer treatment/journey without addressing the underlying cause (and the same goes for any other chronic inflammatory symptom), they are missing the point, and even the gift in this diagnosis. Gift? Neil, how can you say that? It’s a horrific diagnosis… no? It is often spoken about how crisis leads to an awakening.
Please stay with me. Cancer develops for a reason. And that reason can provide for profound healing and a brand new life journey. (If you don’t resonate with any of this, at least you’ve seen it. You might just consider ways to support your immune system alongside conventional treatment having read this and perused the resources. It doesn’t have to be either/or.)
A reminder: I am not an oncologist, nor a medical professional. And…you’re here for a reason. I suspect you have been pointed in this direction, so I would say you’re at least curious and open at this stage.
A characteristic of all chronic illnesses (including cancer) is a result of low VOLTAGE in an organ – Dr Jerry Tennant.
“Your body’s ability to heal withOUT drugs is greater than Western Medicine has ever allowed you to believe.”
- Radically changing your diet
- Taking control of your health
- Following your intuition
- Using herbs and supplements
- Releasing suppressed emotions
- Increasing positive emotions
- Embracing social support
- Deepening your spiritual connection
- Having strong reasons for living
- “Where have I drifted from Nature?” (Ultimately, that is what a toxin is – something not in alignment with Nature.)
- “Am I physically active and breathing well? (Oxygen is our cells’ #1 fuel.)
- “Am I drinking the purest of water money can buy, as if it’s straight from a spring?” (#2 cell fuel)
- “And I eating as Nature intended?” (#3 cell fuel – nutrition) – a big topic – ultimately, organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, preferably grain-free, no refined sugar, no alcohol, limit caffeine, nutrient-rich, anti-oxidant rich, micronutrient-rich etc. The Gerson Institute has a high success rate of cancer remission predominantly via vegetable juicing and coffee enemas. Veggie juicing provides for high dosages of micronutrients to enter the bloodstream and coffee enemas clean the gut, liver and blood – and much more. They use other protocols, too.
- “Am I detoxifying my body through sweat, daily?” (our cells must detoxify daily, the lymphatic system requires for the body to move to detoxify via the lymphatic system. Although you can also sit in a sauna – dry/infrared to also passively sweat.) There are many other ways the body detoxifies, too.
- Am I getting sufficient sunlight and grounding daily? This is essential for our electrical systems.
- Am I sleeping well? (This alone, is a big one, particularly with news of such a diagnosis)
P.P.S. The Vitality Code (2023) is now live.