Stepping Into The Quantum – Dr Joe Dispenza Day One, Round Two

At the beginning of December I returned to an Advanced retreat with Dr Joe Dispenza in Cancun to dive back into the quantum realm to experience more of the world of energy and witness what most would describe as miracles. These Energy and Quantum teachings have actually been around since the beginning of time, most people just don’t know about them.

There is a reason we don’t know about them, but we don’t need to venture into that just now. Whilst there are many pioneers teachings these teachings, and helping people to implement, I must say my favourite right now is Dr Joe Dispenza. Why? He has a way of explaining these principles that the layperson can understand and intertwines them with science, quantum physics, epigenetic, immunology, cell biology, spiritual teachings and more. He has solid, undeniable data that shows what happens in the brain and body during meditation, over a number of days, or even in one meditation. In short, we get a biological upgrade in 1 week, superior to any drug. Dr Joe provides the environment for us to embody these principles accompanied by music and meditation, and takes you on a journey that you will never forget. Can you do this by not attending one of his events, or by not following him? Yes. And…I can’t think of a better way to spend a week. Imagine learning how to create from energy, rather than solely from matter? Imagine learning the science of healing through thought alone. Without even touching diet or moving more – or detoxifying your body, physically?

“Treating humans without the concept of energy is treating dead matter” – Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, MD, Nobel Prize Laureate (1937), Hungary.

Here, I will address:

What’s all the fuss about?

Why did 1800 people from 65 countries travel to experience Dr Joe Dispenza?

Is Dr Joe the head of some weird cult?

Have you ever had an inner “knowing” that you are more powerful than you might believe at at an intellectual level?

  • Imagine tapping into gifts that you’ve had your whole life, you just didn’t know about them
  • Imagine seeing data that shows that our brain, aka the “brain chemist”, and heart, can produce a pharmacy of chemicals superior to any drug
  • Imagine witnessing reversals of so-called “incurable” illnesses according to Western medicine – often spontaneously, over and over again.
  • Imagine seeing medical evidence such as iris scans of previously partially blinded people or cancer scans that detail the complete remission in a matter of days
  • Imagine experiencing how your energy affects not just your health and internal world – but also your world around you – the magic of serendipity and synchronicities
  • Imagine experiencing love on a profound level where you are not seeking it outside of you. And it comes from within, and can felt in many different ways – from vibrations passing through your whole body, to seeing white light via the pineal gland (aka 3rd eye), to pure ecstasy when your brain waves reach gamma – and more.
  • Imagine falling in love with life, with Nature, with humanity – and with yourself – which quite literally changes your biology and gives you an upgrade
  • Imagine fully understanding and knowing that this is not new. And discovering the connection between ancient, lost (or suppressed) spiritual teachings and modern science (actual science). (I have thoroughly researched this – I love investigating why we don’t know fundamental gifts of life. It’s a fascinating rabbit hole.)

My notes from Day One

  • Paraphrase Dr Joe: “You are here because you know something, what you know you can’t explain but you can feel it, like there is more to life than the illusion with which we are presented with… this feeling has brought you here…”
  • We have had the wool pulled over our eyes
  • Wholeness is being connected to pure love.
  • With this way of living, a love affair begins with The Divine, where it becomes difficult to miss a day (meditating).
  • There is no opposite of love. People who act not in accordance with it are separate from it, not in opposition to it
  • Once the doors of other dimensions open, there is no turning back. You can experience it just once, and the veil becomes lifted. You are on a new path.
  • You might experience the most familiar, unfamiliar feeling.
  • In order to find love, anything that isn’t love must die
  • Science is the contemporary language of mysticism
  • Combine quantum physics, with the science of epigenetics, with neuroscience, immunology, neuroendocrinology etc… with the connection of the heart and brain, there is an emerging science. And an emerging consciousness.
  • Learning is making new connections in the brain – synaptic connections. Mind is brain in action. When people know the how, it is easier to apply
  • We create an environment for people to work on themselves, for the brain and body to work together, feelings, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, creating coherence and harmony in ways often never experienced before
  • We are signalling new genes in new ways
  • We have PROOF that you get a biological upgrade in 7 days
  • When you commit to programming the brain and body to work as one, and program the body to a new mind, it becomes second Nature.
  • “I can tell you that the nervous system can create a pharmacy of chemicals superior to any drug”
  • “I always ask the scientists, where does all of this new information in the blood come from”
  • Cause and effect in drug trials is typically 18-25%. Our data shows 60%, from WITHIN.
  • Your personality creates your personal reality. In order to change your personal reality you need to change your personality. You need to change your energy. This means changing beliefs. Inserting new ones. Upgrading your operating system.
  • Nerve cells that fire together wire together
  • The body is programmed to conditions of the past. In order to change that, you must change, and condition the body to a new mind
  • Referring to the beach (in pics I’ve shared..) – “I swear to you…that beach is like holy ground. I have witnessed people become Whole. I have seen blind people see, deaf people hear, handicapped people getting out of their wheelchairs and running down the beach.”
  • (To initiate this work) It normally involves some kind of crisis, illness / betrayal – something that causes people to actually look at themselves. BUT…why wait for crisis? Why not do this now?
  • For those of you who think you should be doing mushrooms this week, we have brains scans and data to show that your brain changes in a way to reflect a new personality
  • If the brain keeps on running the programme of disbelief and fear, this is when you must change your mind. How would you behave if you already had everything you want?
  • (Referring to those with radical remission)…In meditations, they tell me that the moment they wanted to quit, and continued, is when they say “It’s like my heart burst open.“ And then they never missed a meditation.
  • When it is the hardest, is when it matters the most.”
  • They will tell you “I HAD to get the disease, or I’d have never woken up.”
  • They didn’t meditate to HEAL, they meditated to remember who they wanted to be. They wanted to remind themselves of their future.
  • The people who are suicidal, or depressed, eventually have nothing but love for their betrayers…imagine that
  • They could have made excuses…”I don’t have enough time, I have kids, I have work, etc…” But they showed up for themselves every day
  • They know they when they signal new genes in new ways, they are changing their biology. Genes make proteins. Proteins make…
  • I want you to come up against the discomfort / familiar emotion – and fall in love with your future
  • I ask those who have reversed serious illnesses “why did you do the meditation three times a day” They tell me “Because I lost belief that I could heal myself, I was overcoming belief that I could not heal.” This is when you beat the unconscious program.
  • To change is to become greater than your memories, your emotions, your environment
  • I want your body to resist. I want you to settle it, to overcome it, and become greater, and take your power back.
  • Wherever you place your attention is where you place your energy
  • New Self: Condition body to a new mind, away from program of habits. This way you can signal new genes in new ways
  • In order to do that you must become no one, no body, (no longer an identity), no thing, no where, in no time
  • In our brain scans we are seeing changes in the brain
  • Become pure consciousness in a vacuum. In a void. Think of it as a reboot. (This is why I came!)
  • When you are thinking equal to your past, our data shows that the brain gets worse
  • When your body is aroused from memories of the past, someone, your body can go into fight or flight through thought alone – and you can become addicted to the hormones of stress, because the hormones of stress are addictive.
  • Thoughts can make you sick AND thoughts can make you VITAL.
  • EVIDENCE tells us that this is absolutely the TRUTH.
  • Arousal causes us to focus more on environment – survival causes us to prepare for the worse. We predict the worst case scenario.
  • We have hundreds and hundreds of brains scans of reversal of depression and anxiety – where they are off their medications.
  • Have you ever been in a situation where you are in your mind rehearsing a scenario (often completely made up?) When T-Rex is in the house, the brain and body is in Fight or Flight
  • SOLUTION: Drop into the heart. BREAK the conditioned response. (THIS IS AN AMAZING “HACK”)
  • When you are in high beta, you cannot install a new program. When you are theta, your brain is in a hypnotic state – and programmable (Reminder: when you come home and tired after work, slouched on the couch, turn on the TV/news, your brain is in a programmable state. TV programs are called programs for a reason)
  • Information comes from the senses – see, hear, smell, taste, touch
  • The VOID is where The Field exists. When you become relaxed in the heart, awake in the brain, you create a coherent state. You are in coherence (when your biology changes). It is as if there is a symphony between the heart and the brain.
  • All frequency carries information – When someone reaches gamma, there is not just a lot of energy, there is a whole lot of energy. That person is connected with the Divine. They feel bliss, ecstasy. Their heart bursts open. When energy reaches the heart, it overrides the trauma. This leads to greater order. New Consciousness. New level of mind.
  • Research tells us that we perceive less than 1% of reality. We have a pineal gland – all vertebrates have them. Honing pigeons have them to allow them to trace magnetic fields.
  • When there is a positive and negative charge, the body becomes a MAGNET.
  • You can’t give me excuses. You can’t tell me you’re too old, or too young, too sick, Veterans with PTSD have written to me….”I can ding the G-Spot in my brain” (SEND TO BILL!!) “I had an orgasm in my brain.”
  • Imagine practicing until you LIKE doing this. Or LOVE doing this.
  • Practice placing your awareness on your energy centres.
  • By placing your awareness on these centres, you can create coherence in all of them, to signal cells with new information. GOLD
  • I’m going to show you how to create from The Field, instead of from matter. (COOL MUCH??)
  • With your own magnetic field, and with coherent brain and heart, you have direction communication with potential in quantum field. GOLD
  • Imagine this: We have data to show that your brain and nervous system create an immune marker so strong that it can block all kinds of viruses entering the cell! Imagine that!!
  • We have data that shows the blood of novice turned advanced meditators contains brand new information – 86% of Advanced Meditators have anti-cancer metabolites in their blood that wasn’t there before.
  • During the walking meditation…how would you walk if you knew that in one hour you could change your biology and heal yourself? People have done it.
  • I ask people what they did on that beach. They say “I let the old person behind. I don’t even recognise the old person anymore.”
  • With each meditation you believe in your future just a little bit more
  • HARVARD STUDY: Monastery of veterans – they were told to act like 20 year olds, feel it, act it, playing sports. The brain scans showed a 60% improvement.
  • Well published scientists are now telling me “you are what you think” – imagine that!
  • During coherence healings, we are measuring the energy in the room. We are measuring biological changes (upgrades) in not just the “healees” – but also the healers. Those doing the healing, are also getting an upgrade.
  • Evidence is the loudest voice.



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